However goals need to inspire us in order for us to take real action, sometimes we are unsure where to begin.
Well keep reading for some help!
When it comes to your goals, most of you have some idea of what to do in order to reach your goals.
The challenging bit is actually doing it!
This is a mind set thing I believe.
However in order to achieve something we have really got to believe it can happen, not that we have to accept the way we are.
I want you to give the next two questions marks out of 10, one will enable you to see why what you are trying to achieve is important. The second is relative to what you need to do.
First out of 10, (10 being the highest) at this current point in time, how important is your Weight Loss or exercise and health goal?
The question is why did you score the question with that number? Why not a lower number, for what reasons?
Next in relation to achieving your goal in a normal timeframe out of 10 (10 being the highest) how confident are you feeling that you are going to have no problem achieving that goal in a realistic time frame applying the right habits, being disciplined and being consistent with your exercise?
With the score you just gave that question, what would it take to improve that score?
This is what you need to do.
If you answered "get some results to motivate me to do more" then you have to look at what you are doing now? Will your current habits take you there? If yes, keep doing them, if not, you probably know what's needed...
The challenging bit is actually doing it!
This is a mind set thing I believe.
However in order to achieve something we have really got to believe it can happen, not that we have to accept the way we are.
I want you to give the next two questions marks out of 10, one will enable you to see why what you are trying to achieve is important. The second is relative to what you need to do.
First out of 10, (10 being the highest) at this current point in time, how important is your Weight Loss or exercise and health goal?
The question is why did you score the question with that number? Why not a lower number, for what reasons?
Next in relation to achieving your goal in a normal timeframe out of 10 (10 being the highest) how confident are you feeling that you are going to have no problem achieving that goal in a realistic time frame applying the right habits, being disciplined and being consistent with your exercise?
With the score you just gave that question, what would it take to improve that score?
This is what you need to do.
If you answered "get some results to motivate me to do more" then you have to look at what you are doing now? Will your current habits take you there? If yes, keep doing them, if not, you probably know what's needed...