Monday, 26 September 2016

I'm think I'm getting results, but the weighing scales say otherwise!

After 20 years I'm not giving up...

here goes, imagine this...

You have been on a good run with your lifestyle...

The natural healthy food consumed per week is way more than the unhealthy processed...

You have even started having modest portion sizes...

And fitting in exercise at least a couple of times per week...

Increasing your water intake...

On this particular day you try on an item of clothing that you have been wanting to fit into for ages...

And it fits! You don't even need to fight with it or pull a face...

You catch a glimpse of your reflection and instead of feeling deflated you actually think "not bad"...

There is a spring in your step...

Family and friends start to notice and are interestedly asking what you are doing...

It's been a few weeks since you weighed yourself (yeah I know, just keep imagining)...

You decide to step on the scales, you have already planned the little jig you are going to do...

You excitedly look down, the scale says you have lost the grand total of 0.2 kg's...

Confused and dejected, immediately your mood changes and you feel unhappy that 0.2 kg's is the result of your hard work...

What the scales don't tell you is your water and muscle are up, increasing your metabolism making it harder to over consume...

Not to mention the 3kg's of body fat shed (at the super market have a look at how much room 6lbs of lard takes up and that's what you have accumulatively shed from your body and why clothes fit better)...

The point of the email; weigh yourself but remember it's only telling you so much...

Focus more on the clothes, your energy, how you feel, that will tell you the results you are actually getting.

You can do this!
Until next week,

Monday, 19 September 2016

Igniting your metabolism - don't fear hunger!

Lots of people view hunger as bad...

The thinking is; if I give into hunger it will negatively effect results...

Hunger must be suppressed...

Waking up and not feeling hungry must be a good thing?...

Mostly the answer is the opposite...

When I ran 12 week weight loss courses, the "homework" for week 1 was to start having breakfast if they weren't already...

There was always the reply of "but I'm just not hungry in the morning"...

My translation was "my metabolism is so slow that when I wake up after x many hours of not eating I'm still not hungry!"

How to fix the above problem? Start having something for breakfast it will kick start the metabolism...

Hunger is the bodies' way of telling you "I need nutrients"...

See that's the key, nutrients...

So to get results health or weight loss, you should eat when hungry but Nutritious food and moderate portions,  the food will not only be processed by the body but your body may have to top up fuel if there isn't quite enough and then turn a bit of body fat into energy...

Imagine if that happened constantly?

PS if you have any questions or suggestions for future blogs send them to

Monday, 12 September 2016

Weight Loss, no need to fear failing...

Or in the context of this blog post, the fear of failure of not improving your health, not fitting comfortably into clothes you want to wear...

Sometimes if we knowingly self sabotage, we can feel in control of the situation at least (I know, bit deep :))

I have known a lot of times where people I am helping have told me when they make progress, other people want to slow them down for their own reasons...

A lot of the time when we are younger we are taught not to aim too high for our own protection, which has an effect on our other objectives... (Deeper still :))

But the good thing with a health goal or fitting into clothes goal is that you do get a second chance...

I was doing quite well this weekend, not too many treats, then as I was looking in the food cupboard of my little ones and eyeing stuff I heard the magic words "some of that needs eating up"...

For once my other half found me all too eager to help out... :)

But next week end I get another chance to reign it in slightly...

We can strive to do better in our lifestyle habits, like I said before it's nothing fancy, just sound nutrition habits and trying to move and be as active as life allows...

I have seen it work time and again, I have a system that can be implemented and tweaked for the individual, but you have to find your own lifestyle habits balance, that you can maintain for the foreseeable future... 

So don't fear failing, just go again if you slip up, it should be steady progress, it won't last otherwise, I would never advise it if I knew it was a "quick fix"...

But leave it too long, as I know metabolism slows with age, the number of calories we burn slows, it gets easier to consume more calories than we need, but it's reversible, you already know how, don't fear not getting there, there will be slip ups, just resolve to keep doing what works and make progress, it will get easier the more progress you make...

But you have to keep taking action to make progress...

PS head over to my Personal Training facebook page as in my latest post I'm giving away my Weight Loss system Ebook.


Monday, 5 September 2016

Ed's Top Weight Loss Messages

It seems things are changing slightly, the lifestyle messages of track suit wearing weirdos aka Fitness Professionals and Personal Trainers are becoming more mainstream... 

It's now becoming fact that...

1). Diets don't work.

"Diet" is my least favourite word, diets mean trying to eat as little as possible. Diets are quick fixes at best, that will teach your body to store body fat like crazy as soon as it gets chance...

We are designed to nourish our body with nutritious food and often, once you can get past what seems like a contradiction of eating more regularly your metabolism will accelerate.

2). Get rid of the weighing scales.

The weighing scales are a tool that measures every component of the human body, good and bad. Everyone is different it doesn't make sense to proclaim that you are this height, so you should be this weight!

How much we weigh shouldn't govern how we feel or how healthy we are.

3). Strength Training shapes and effects metabolism like no other form of exercise.

If you are not keen on exercise, then time efficient but slightly intense routines can still deliver results...

My very near future plan is to take all the systems that have worked so well with people I have worked with in person, to then be in a position to help the masses get results...

For a free report containing the system I use to help loads of my clients get results go to:
