Monday, 31 July 2017

Is Perfectionism ruining your weight loss results?

In somethings I do I will admit to spending far too much time on the details rather than speed...

And I can and I have met so many people who take an "all or nothing approach" to everything...

A lot of the time that includes losing and shaping and their health...

And I get it Busy Mums Busy business people are on the go...

There isn't time to even think about it, yet alone time to think clearly and develop the perfect plan...

So no action is taken...

Or if a perfectionists plan is put into place is will look like; great results for the short term, followed by lapse, followed by great results followed for the short term followed by lapse and then give up...

I have been told of plans to radically change lifestyle habits (most common at new year and September when the children go back to school)...

Radical changes such as: From fast food and take always to chicken and broccoli...

A bottle of mummy petrol each night to teetotal (wouldn't like to be around that one)...

Chocolate and crisps to vegetable and dip...

Sporadic exercise to "I'm doing it every day"...

Big sporadic meals to I'm going to eat little and often every two hours...

I've never seen someone go from blood sugar peaks and troughs to stabilised over night...

You get my point. But perfect action means no action as nothing is perfect.

Those that I have seen (and helped) succeed didn't strive for perfect...

Most of the time, life gets in the way, so as someone knows how to get results, the perfect lifestyle isn't necessary, imperfect action will beat perfect action every time.

So give yourself permission or I give you permission to just do the best you can with what you have and the time you have.

You can do this.


Monday, 24 July 2017

The Biggest Weight Loss Challenge.

If we want to look and feel our best, all of the science points to doing things and eating things that nature intended and designed us for...

Previously we had to exercise in some fashion to find food and the food would be natural...

In the present time, exercise is something we have to set aside time for and processed food is tempting us, every which way we look...

For Busy Mums Busy Professionals probably the biggest obstacle faced with regards to losing and shaping and improving health is having the time...

How do you fit everything in?..

In this day and age we are constantly in contact...

Many commitments...

Suddenly school holidays are upon us , leaving Busy Mums with next to no time for themselves until September...

If you are not happy with how you look and feel having to accept you can't change it for a few months and strategically covering up in the warm weather...

I know it seems easy for me working in a gym and it does save time...

But I don't always have an hour and once I week I stay and keep the little ones entertained during the summer...

For some reason when it comes to exercise, we all think we need the magic hour...

It's great if you can, but results can be got in less - quality over quantity and all that...

And food is still the important thing, the Mums I know are great at planning the children's meals, not so good at their own...

I'm not talking on one day cook off all the meals for the week, slightly unrealistic!...

More just doing minimal prep, that saves a little time, but if it keeps you on the path to losing and shaping will be invaluable.

It's why all the systems I have created to help people lose and shape are designed for someone on the go from dawn to dusk.

You can do this.

Ed ( I was going to insert the wittiest anecdote you've ever read in here, but unfortunately I just didn't have the time) Stride.

Monday, 17 July 2017

Can you relate to my weight gain story?

I will admit having the experience of 20 years of helping people lose and shape up...

I can get complacent myself...

Don't get me wrong I am very focused on my healthy lifestyle (to the point it might slightly annoy those I live with)...

But I can think everything is under control...

So here I am in our resort on holiday putting on a pair of swimming shorts, which do up with Velcro..

I'm sure you know how Velcro works, attach one side to the other, right?...

Only for this to work you have to be able to get them in contact in the first place..

I'm in denial a year ago these fit fine!...

So I use my strength...

It works, they do up!...

But the next noise is the sound of Velcro separating very quickly...

What's worse is this is happening right at the start of the holiday, I haven't even visited the buffet yet!

Luckily everything else (including two other shorts fit) so you don't have to feel too sorry for me (what do you mean you don't??!!)...

But this is a wake up call, you see for me if you don't have much confidence, being in better shape than most is key and an inch gained around the waist is a big deal...

(Most personal trainers are like this, so don't feel intimated by them if you are at the gym :))...

I could do something drastic, I could blame my other half for being such a great cook and feeder...

I could wear black a lot...

I could suck in and keep really good posture (actually I'm trying that)...

But I just need to take my own advise, work harder to stabilise my blood sugar...

Which kinda means putting less energy in my body so it doesn't stick on the tummy making shorts hard to do up...

A few eating habit alterations a bit of patients and I will be back to how I was...

See despite knowing stuff I can gain unexpectedly, I'm not that inhuman after all...

I will let you know my progress...

If you are in the same position, why not do the same.

Friday, 14 July 2017

Does weight loss work for regular people?

During a seminar or if I'm giving advice in a group of people...

If I try and relate something to that I do myself to give some kind of tip that can be applied...

I'm usually given a type of look, that if I was telepathic (I'm not, but I have learned to read these signals) would say "that's great for you tracksuit boy, but what about us normal people...

Then if someone I'm standing with or is part of the seminar gives their real life example, that is usually very similar to mine...

The person is suddenly "all ears"...

In trying to help and provide solutions to people, all the principles and programmes I teach are all followed religiously by me, apart from, ahem Saturday afternoon to Sunday night...

I think it's very fair to say that those that came to me looking for results were certainly in a place where they were dissatisfied with where they were and needed someone who would provide the right information, help them carry it out and hold them accountable...

You can read a few case studies of Mums I have helped at :
(Scroll down a little bit...)

So these Mums came to me motivated and ready to install a few new lifestyle solutions...

Wether one to one or in a 12 week group programme...

Maybe sometimes there was more to it than they first thought...

I wish Lose and Shaping up was down to just a few snazzy exercises to be honest...

Sometimes the fact they were in a group with like minded individuals with the same goal in mind kept them on track...

And decided they didn't just want short term results, they wanted to be in control, make it a habit forming lifestyle where they are in charge of being able to maintain results as long as they want.

But once momentum was generated, I could see this gave them a boost and this was when things started to happen and each week we would measure progress to stay on track...

And it's amazing to be there through someone's transformation and all the positives...

In terms of what they had in common, well it was certainly a clear and important objective...

Enough to seek out help and guidance...

Knowing they would need to be consistent, even during a bad week, just to do what they could...

Then obviously when progress starts getting made, that's when motivation increases and then...

Well read there stories for your self.
(Scroll down a bit).

You can do this.

Ed ( From preachy, annoying track suit boy to "Ed your a genius" "and it's been an enjoyable journey" even, thats a transformation in itself, although I'm still a bit preachy apparently) Stride.

Monday, 3 July 2017

Do you consider yourself on a diet?

Here is a fun fact for you...

I know, bit of excitement on a Monday...

Apparently there are 27 million people in the UK at this point in time who would classify them selves as "on a diet"...

27 million people who are trying to Lose and Shape...

I bet a lot of the 27 million people are also Busy Mums, with loads of other commitments who are at this point, frustrated and stuck, lacking motivation and support and dissatisfied with how they look and feel and probably their health too...

Thats a lot of people for me to help...

But, I'm willing...

And maybe it starts with my posts, so feel to let people know about them...

Now above I wrote 27 million are trying to Lose and Shape up...

But for me to Lose and Shape up means a complete lifestyle...

A lot of systems focus on just healthy eating, which itself is hugely important and will yield the greatest return...

I would term this as the "Losing" aspect and thats great, thats what so many of you want - to be slimmer...

However, for a "losing" healthy eating plan to work long term it has to be followed, pretty much forever...

As if our metabolisms slow, so does the number of calories we need per day decrease, making it easier to store if we stop...

The shape aspect for me refers to exercise, and working in health clubs here and abroad for the last two decades I have been around a lot of exercisers, and had a lot of experience with exercise science...

Nothing shapes the body like exercise, especially resistance type exercises...

Not to mention if you are maintaining or increasing the healthy components of your body like muscle, bone density and water, you burn more calories per day even at rest...

But health clubs are great for providing the latest exercise machines and motivational classes, but lacking the eating habits side...

And you can have great shape, but if you haven't lost it will be hidden under body fat...

Its by combing the two that works best, to lose - have a realistic nutritional plan that fits in with your busy lifestyle...

And to shape - to have an effective exercise plan that is convenient enough to be followed a few times a week and designed with you in mind...

These are the elements to include for complete results.

You can do this.

PS: If you need the help of a complete plan, the developers are putting the finishing touches to mine! Keep reading the posts for details...

Ed ( 27 million people to help, maybe I could clone myself, not sure my other half would like that all though on the bright side, I would only have to do the bins every other day) Stride