After another one of my small group Personal Training sessions...
Luckily I have a group incredibly motivated to attend...
But say on a Friday morning, there is that end of the week feeling...
Your body is ready to wind down a little for the week end...
And in my exercise demo’s I give easier and harder options...
It’s funny but once the warm up is completed, suddenly things change, they can still pick the easier options- but they don’t!...
And then at the end, everyone is lifted and optimistic...
It’s only in its first month but I should have run this sooner!
In the short term I have had comments like
“I feel like I already have more energy”...
“I can feel things have started and I only had to make a few changes”...
“If I keep doing this I will actually feel confident in a bikini”...
“Actually I broke this down cost wise and although it’s about heading to a result it’s only just over £10 per session”...
(That’s if they come to all of them, see what I did there?)...
I think that’s the difference, I never underestimate how hard it is to get started with something...
The motivation and commitment to it...
But it usually is the difference between feeling stuck and completely unable to change a situation no matter how much you want to...
To suddenly having a different outlook - to now being aware of what’s possible...
Introducing a few lifestyle habits that fit, that can be done with with a little help and support from others doing the same...
Or yours truly 😉...
Suddenly the outlooks different, yes I will tell it like it is- it has to be steady to work...
So many have come to me after trying the rapid loss thing and gaining it back...
But those in the know are seeing the short term results and know there are still enough weeks until Christmas to really make a difference...
And some are even focused on next summer!...
With a consistent plan and realistic lifestyle there won’t be a gaining back phase...
But that is the power of getting started, it’s not about being stuck any more, it’s about possibilities...
How the future is going to change for the better...
It doesn’t matter how small the things are that you have to do in the beginning, I’m sure you can list a few that you can do bit by bit...
The big question is: isn’t time you got started...
You don’t need to wait for a new year...
The best time is right now...
If you are wanting to get started head to
And click "get started now" for some free actionable tips to get you started...
Any questions, leave me a comment...
Ed (