Monday, 24 August 2015

Exercise can't compensate for a bad Nutrition Plan.

Relative to your weight loss goals, the thing that will yield you the most results, the most important aspect bar none is your Nutrition habits.
Only a very extreme amount of regular exercise (which would also bring about the negative symptoms of over training) could hope to compensate!
Let's say after an hours worth of exercise you expend 700 k/calories, in a pound of body fat (.454 kg's) there are 3500 k/calories, barely touching the surface!


  1. I'm finally learning this. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. You are very welcome! If you can eat healthy most of the time, you are most of the way there. Feel free to leave me your email address in the box on the right and I will send regular useful info like the post above!
    Thanks Ed.
