Monday, 4 January 2016

Weight Loss; back on track!

For me today is the day, back to normal with the eating habits, since the 24th December I have not been following the usual nutrition plan, but even yesterday a salad seemed appealing for once!
However, the festive period gave me an insight into some of the struggles you face.
Temptation all over the place! Being at home more meant every time a cupboard was opened something was there ready to be eaten, no preparation needed, just a packet to open!
Children being very generous with sweets and leaving things (don't like waste).
All those invites to eat out or at someone's house, "right the Personal Trainer obviously wants double portions of bennoffie pie and pescottie!" (Obviously don't know deserts well enough to be able to spell them :)) but how are you meant to refuse?

But it gave me an insight to how it can be year round for others, all the Mums are faced with these challenges, lots of temptations and food left on a plate, serving them deserts when you are very hungry, thinking "I will just have a little bit myself"...

If you work in an office, all the snack food temptations, or eating out on business lunches, or if you are dining out with colleagues or customers, they may not all relate if you exclaim "hold the alcohol" and "where's the Paleo dish on this menu?".

I understand it will be a constant challenge, but as soon as you can after the festive period, set a day to get back on track, yes somewhere down the line you may succumb to just have what the children are having or the restaurant doesn't have a healthy option. Just do your best, remember keep reminding your self why you are doing it, after a slip up resolve to keep going. Going through consecutive days of slips ups? Set a day as soon as you can to get back on track!

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