Monday, 27 June 2016

Are you taking action to lose weight?

I always try and provide content on what I'm told face to face are the biggest challenges and what everyone needs the most help with...

Usually people who want to lose weight have already been bombarded with numerous messages, probably also had the frustration of investing energy into something that didn't bring about the right result at some point...

Many people say they want to lose weight, but when I ask "for what reason do you want to lose weight?"
I start to get a personalised idea...

If I was to ask would you like to feel better? Even look better? To feel better in the clothes you want to wear? To have more energy? To have better Health? To move well? To feel at your best ...

Most people would say yes...

However based on past history, do you expect to get results? Usually what we expect reflects in what we do...

There was a very famous, important book written a long time ago that stated "judge a tree by the fruit it bears"...

Not what the tree really wants or talks about or says it will do...

So as best you can with your own circumstances it's about what you do with the right information, the lifestyle you adopt, what you buy at the supermarket that you will consume, the food you can plan or even prepare - even if it's just having balanced snacks around for when you get hungry, how you can fit exercise in or or just opportunities to move more per day...

It's your lifestyle actions that will testify that you are serious about getting results...

Bye the way, If you would like a free weight loss report and a specialised eating out and weight loss guide, head to:

Thanks Ed.

Monday, 20 June 2016

Improving Body Shape: Focus on seeing not getting...

A fitness magazine cover headline caught my eye the other day...

It was a popular men's edition...

But the message relates to anybody...

Obviously the cover titles have to be very attention grabbing to get you to read or even buy the magazine ...

Usually with regards to any weight loss, it's very hyped, such as - "lose 10lbs in 2 weeks...

Or "diet secrets of famous actor or actress revealed"...

But for once I liked the wording of this one;

It was a June edition of the magazine that stated; "See your six pack by August"

Aimed very much a younger male audience, but the message is relevant to anybody who wants to lose weight and improve shape...

For most of us our objective is to wear the clothes we want to wear and be healthy but the science is the same...

Over the course of time I have been asked constantly for specific exercises to work a body fat storing hotspot, stomach, bottom, legs...

If you go back to the title article words, it says "see" your six pack...

Meaning it's already there, we can improve mid section strength through exercise, but the shape of our toned muscle is already there...

What is obscuring our shape is our body fat...

How much our body fat obscures our shape, depends largely on our lifestyle...

I wrote it in my book, we have to "reveal" our shape ( a little ebook I wrote called: 100 Point Paleo Inspired Checklist to Permanent Weight Loss, available on Amazon UK :))

Once we decrease our body fat, our shape improves, becomes less obscured and more visible...

It seems unfair but we can't just do specific exercises for the troublesome areas...

We need to get our bodies to use body fat for energy...

Our eating habits accounting for most of this...

Exercise also increases metabolism which helps and improves health...

But improving shape comes down to our overall lifestyle rather than doing many specific targeted exercises...

( back in the mid 90's as a 19 year old my programme of 20 crunches before bed whilst enjoying too many Chinese takeaways each week, surprisingly didn't work :))

Any questions, please use the comments section...


Sent from my iPhone

Monday, 13 June 2016

How to keep getting weight loss and fitness results...

Have you ever tried a new healthy recipe for the first time and liked it?...

Or become slightly more motivated by a new exercise routine?...

But then somewhere down the line, not much later, eating the same recipe doing the same exercise routine got a bit tedious...

So much in fact, that you started eating unhealthier food instead and gave your self excuses not to exercise because it became uninspiring...

I tend to have more variety in my eating habits now, but in the past although healthy I would be quite OK with having the same meal day after day, I'm sure there is a word or phrase to describe such a person :)...

One of the most important messages I can give you and it's something that helps those that I help as a Personal Trainer...

...Is when it comes to your nutrition habits have a list of healthy recipes and dishes, dinners, lunches, breakfasts and snacks that you can interchange for variety...

Have either a few different exercise sessions or change yours up every few weeks or have a pool of exercises that you can draw upon and interchange...

I'm aware a big challenge in getting the results you so badly want is creating enough variety...

I am currently resourcing and designing monthly meal plans and guides and exercise sessions that are effective and can be done anywhere...

But don't let lack of variety be the brakes holding you back from developing and maintaining healthy habits to get results...

Apparently the phrase is Monophagous as to someone who doesn't need nutritional variety or is a creature of habit, maybe as well as being a weight loss cure I could also cure insomnia too...

If you would like a free report about making the best choices on the menu of the popular British coffee shop chain Costa Coffee but still wanting to lose weight, head to:

Any questions use the comments section...

I will answer :)

More help and advice very soon,

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Weight Loss isn't just about you!

Sometimes because we put the emphasis on ourselves when we think about why we want to lose weight, change shape or move with less stiffness or have more energy or improve health...

We can tend to put the focus on achieving this objective aside...

Because it's all about us, it can feel a bit selfish...

Other more important things should take priority...

My message today is would investing in achieving your objective actually help others and those closest to you...

If changing shape or having more energy could change your demeanour  , could that have an effect on how you communicate, would it increase positivity and optimism?

When talking to people who wanted to increase their energy, the main reason was to have more energy when spending time with their children or grandchildren or increase productivity for their busy day, which ultimately would be having a positive effect on others...

Therefore if others are counting on us, then our own health must be important?

So whilst time and other commitments are an issue and a priority, maybe if it will have a positive effect on others also, isn't it ok to see our lifestyle objectives as important too?

For a free report on weight loss guidelines and visiting coffee shops on a weight loss plan and making the best choices, head to:

If you have any questions use the comment section...
