We can tend to put the focus on achieving this objective aside...
Because it's all about us, it can feel a bit selfish...
Other more important things should take priority...
My message today is would investing in achieving your objective actually help others and those closest to you...
If changing shape or having more energy could change your demeanour , could that have an effect on how you communicate, would it increase positivity and optimism?
When talking to people who wanted to increase their energy, the main reason was to have more energy when spending time with their children or grandchildren or increase productivity for their busy day, which ultimately would be having a positive effect on others...
Therefore if others are counting on us, then our own health must be important?
So whilst time and other commitments are an issue and a priority, maybe if it will have a positive effect on others also, isn't it ok to see our lifestyle objectives as important too?
For a free report on weight loss guidelines and visiting coffee shops on a weight loss plan and making the best choices, head to: www.costacoffeeonaweightlossplan.co.uk
If you have any questions use the comment section...
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