I was writing an article for the website the other day called "20 reasons why your weight loss plan isn't working"...
I was highlighting them and providing actionable information...
There are something's you know you need to do and maybe it's not the right time now, or you have got too comfortable with where you are now...
But what's worse is when you reach the point where you desperately want to take action, or have taken action but it's not having the desired effect...
So here is a couple of shortened snippets from the article;
Losing weight and changing shape are different things, can you change shape without losing weight? Oh Yes!
So the scales may indicate no change, but you could still be losing fat, try measuring your waist and taking photos to compare as well as the scales over time...
You could be eating too many calories; the body weight measuring scales I use give me more measurements than just weight, one is how many calories the person burns at rest, everyone is astounded by the number, but studies show we all underestimate our calorie intake by quite a bit...
Lastly, maybe I'm biased but exercise is useful for increasing your metabolism and strength training in particular. You don't always need fancy equipment, the exercise sessions I have designed so far for my website use body weight only and can last under 30 minutes, useful if you are short on time...
Well, that was only touching the surface, look out in the future for a blog post called some reasons your weight loss plan isn't working 2 and so on...
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