Monday, 5 December 2016

The Hardest thing about Losing Weight...

It's time to acknowledge the elephant in the room...

Despite every one knowing this, it's time to face facts...

Exercising and eating healthy are not much fun...

Actually sometimes it's possible to find a type of exercise that's bearable, but then along comes someone like me who reminds you "weight loss is 70-80% nutrition"...

As a trainer I must admit it's a massive challenge to make gym type exercises fun, some parter or group type exercises can draw a smile occasionally...

I even send out recipes once a week to my email list, the recipes have to meet certain criteria, one of which is they have to taste good! As a food lover, eating healthy is so much easier when the food tastes good and you know if it's contributing to results.

The science of it is, is that we are designed to exercise to chase things or to forage, or run away from what is chasing us and what we used to run after or forage didn't come in a box or a packet or even a glass...

Again I will keep looking for the more fun alternative, but keep increasing your list of healthy balanced meals that you actually look forward to eating...

Try and find a type of exercise that you can engage in regularly or at least look forward to feeling good or even smug that you have done something.

Maybe  "fun exercise" an oxymoron  like "act naturally" "found missing" "military intelligence" "jumbo shrimp"?


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