Monday, 30 January 2017

Your Diet doesn't have to be perfect!

Think I'm suffering from consuming too much of the naughty stuff yesterday...

There was still a lot of chocolate left from Xmas and even a bit of alcohol was consumed which is rare for me...

My other half came back from work quite late and whilst she was away I was looking after little ones and a spot of housework...

Apparently it was amusing that as she was walking in I was resorting to alcohol...

I was given permission at the time we all moved in together to correct any lifestyle habits...

So as I came home one chaotic looking Friday, I spotted a big wine glass and thought, this must be where I come in...

I forget the exact response, but I've never been brave (or stupid) enough to do the same again...

But the old stomach is churning a bit today...

But that's the key with this lifestyle stuff, what you do now will effect how you feel later...

In fact your lifestyle is very much relevant to how you look and feel...

I'm no athlete, but the way they look and what they are able to do different to us is down to their constant habits...

When their alarm clock goes off very early, they are up early lacing up their shoes and wether they feel like it or not, they are off...

Maybe our routines don't sound like the above, but do we consistently fit in a quick healthy breakfast as we are looking after others, getting them ready or hurriedly getting our selves ready in the morning?...

or as soon as we get chance later on grab a coffee and something sweet and gooey...

The bottom line is how we look and feel is a direct representation of the lifestyle habits we repeat the most.


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