We can get the answer to any question with ease...
Although whilst the information is out there, being able to piece it together into a system or programme is harder...
So one tip that you can apply straight away to get results that may be harder to search for is this...
One thing that if applied will get results...
Is to keep an eye on your grams of carbohydrates per meal...
In fact, aim for 30 grams maximum per meal...
This is a biggy, constantly consume over this and you are storing, the same is maintenance, a bit less and you are burning!
But where to start? Depends what point you are at...
The first sources to try and reduce are the obvious ones, that didn't exist until recently and contain processed fat too...
Then the high energy Carbs that have 30grams in a very small portion...
And watch out for the hidden ones, found in ready made sauces, fruit and low fat yoghurts, ready made smoothies and juices, baked beans, muffins and more!
But if you are overwhelmed by all the information, which is causing you to not take action, through not knowing where to start...
Then focus on this one thing, everyone I know that starts taking action, wonders why they didn't do it sooner...
It will probably change as soon as I mention it, but it's getting warmer, can't hind under layers...
You can do this...
Ed ( Remember different Carbs have different amounts, about two thirds of a cup of pasta is 30g, whilst 800g's of spinach yields 30g, yes I did just enter that into a database, I know, it's called a rock n' roll lifestyle) Stride.
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