Sometimes I forget how huge the weight loss ...
From plans, gyms, group weight loss meet ups to pills and gadgets...
Some are based on science with an actual desire to provide the person buying with some actual value in the form of a result...
The problem becomes if there is so much information, which is the right way?
If you have ever been lost walking in the countryside and you are presented with five different paths, you take one and then quite quickly, when you don't start to feel you haven't got anywhere familiar, you start thinking you should have taken one of the other paths and turn back to repeat the process...
A bit like what happens to a lot of people on their quest to lose and shape up...
There are many genuinely effective plans out there...
Then there are those that to me just scream, "If I can somehow make you believe there really is a not much effort required quick fix, I can separate you from your hard earned money, yet provide you no result whatsoever"...
Or what you actually need to do is actually in the fine print, the gadget is 3% of the result and the rest is following in an included generic exercise programme and nutrition plan anyone could have knocked up...
I randomly happened to be watching The Graham Norton show last Friday night, the actor Mark Wahlberg was promoting his latest film (not sure if it was Daddy's Home 2 or another)...
Some of the other actors there had commented on the fact that as well as there gruelling exercise and nutrition schedule they are put through to get in shape for their role, they use muscle stimulators, like I mentioned the footballer Ronaldo wearing in a designed to rip you off advert, advertised as thats all we need to get in shape...
Mark Wahlberg saw this commercial and if there is a video clip of this at some point I will post it up, his reaction is priceless and he says what I say, but maybe a bit stronger :-)
The key to success though is following the right path, the right system and having the faith to stick to it...
For the system to work it must be mostly nutrition habits based, with some exercise thrown in, focus on getting you to eat natural non processed foods as much as possible, drinking more water, be realistic, for example rather than tell you you can't eat out - provide some actionable tips, it must fit in with your lifestyle so that you can follow and more importantly implement it to get results...
I myself have been working on a 12 week programme, especially for Busy Mums that contains the above (and the developers assure me, its days away)...
Before that have the faith to keep doing the things that you know will work.
You can do this.
Ed (Not saying my DIY is as bad as my cooking, but when my family and I went to the cinema to watch "Daddy's Home" my other half sat very quietly, then there was a scene where the dad and step dad had to do emergency DIY, the step dad had to reluctantly get his tool box and when the dad opened it, it contained a screw driver and a tampon, at this point in the very quiet cinema, my other half erupted into bellowing laughter) Stride.
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