Monday, 28 August 2017

The best type of weight loss exercises...

One good thing about working in a gym is all the snazzy equipment I have access to...

The list is endless, quite recently a big piece of equipment arrived that took up a third of the gym, with a multitude of different fittings and stations...

I must admit, the first time it arrived I looked at it and thought "what are you supposed to do with that"...

Not to mention all the strength machines and cardio machines...

I notice a lot of people coming into the gym like to either use one or the other of the above...

The question is as a Busy Mum or Busy Professional wanting to lose and shape up do you need fancy equipment?

The short answer is no...

Exercising to lose and shape up means doing exercises that use and stimulate a list of muscle groups and the exercises keep the heart rate elevated through out...

It's likely because a Mum's body has been through pregnancy and if her lifestyle involves driving a car or other prolonged sitting, or a busy professional commuting and working in an office, hunched over a desk, then the muscles that support the body may need strengthening...

So unless the goal is to strengthen and increase muscle size, then the exercises at a fitness place don't need to involve more sitting down! 

When I designed my online programme the sessions were designed to be done anywhere with absolutely no equipment and short duration because Mums and Busy Professionals don't get much time to themselves and no one has said the sessions are to easy :) ...

Even at the gym the equipment I use the most with people I help tends to be Dumbbells, Kettle bells, suspension straps, medicine balls and good old body weight exercises...

I have even be adopting them for places with minimal space like people's homes and gardens...

So even with all the things occupying your mind if not being in the shape you want to be in is causing you to feel unhappy, frustrated and sluggish, enough that it keeps you awake and you are ready to take the step...

Have a look here: 

One way or another if you are ready we will get there.

You can do this.

Ed ( Exercise Ed? With all the activities we have fit in since the summer began, we are all moving into the spa until Christmas) Stride.

Monday, 21 August 2017

How to practice healthy eating for weight loss in the real world.

In the last post was a really useful tip about portion size...

Using your hands to measure, it was one of those tips, where I thought even though it's the middle of the summer season, this can be implemented straight away and well done if you took action...

Today I wanted to give you something similar...

The problem is we tend to think to get the results we want, we need to have the perfect lifestyle...

And with all that you have going on, that's not possible!...

A few times in the past, people have asked for meal plans...

As part of a premium personalised coaching programme I offer this...

But generic meal plans don't really work for the following reasons: 

We are all busy, we are not always prepared, children get sick, suddenly you have to work late, it's always someone's birthday or special occasion, sometimes you don't want a mid morning snack, we like eating different things; being prescribed something healthy you don't enjoy can make you decide against healthy eating...

So the very simple answer is just to focus on each meal you are already eating...

If your losing and shaping and even your health goals have reached a plateaux...

Then it's time to make a few small changes and adjustments to what you normally eat and enjoy, one step at a time...

Not just what you eat but how you eat it...

Is the evening meal usually gobbled down on the go or in front of the TV or is it savoured?...

So start with what you eat and drink now, what ever it is, what's the next step and then the next...

One step at a time...

You can do this.


Monday, 14 August 2017

Instead of Calorie Counting and Apps for Weight Loss, Try This...

Something that can stop you from taking action is how complicated losing and shaping can seem...

So many different methods, so little time for you, I completely understand if you are going to invest what little time you have and energy, you want to be sure it works...

Calorie counting sounds simple, burn more than you eat...

However I have spent time properly working it all out on occasions for those that I help and it takes A LOT of time...

Even then there are things to be aware of...

We trust the info written on food labels but it's an average figure not actual, our body's process calories differently as we have different genetics, different amounts of stomach bacteria have an effect, the metabolism goes up and down during different phases of the menstrual cycle...

Wouldn't it be nice if there was an easy to follow non complicated way? 

Well there is!...

And to show you that I want you to get results, keep reading...

Weight loss experts from all walks of life agree with this; portion size is VERY important to getting results...

What if nature has designed a personalised, easy way for you to be able to measure it?...

Well, it has...

They are on the end of your arms!...

Use your hands in the following way...

For protein rich foods (meat, eggs, cottage cheese, natural yogurt for example) have a palm sized amount each meal (2 for men)...

For vegetables (salads, broccoli, spinach, carrots, etc have a fist size portion (2 for men)...

For healthy fat rich products (butters, oils, nut butters, nuts and seeds; have a thumb sized portion (2 for men)...

For higher energy Carbohydrates; grains, starches, beans and fruits a cupped sized handful (2 for men)

And if you find losing very steady going, half the portions of high energy carbs and fat...

It does need to be any more complicated than that...

If you master portion size it will make a huge difference to your losing and shaping, in fact portion size is one of the subjects in my 12 week programme along with 11 other important and similarly easy to apply subjects...

If you understand the principle but know you would need a coach to apply it, then let me know.

You can do this.

Ed (In the next post, best exercises to increase the size of your hands so you can eat more) Stride.

Monday, 7 August 2017

When it comes to weight loss how do you know what delivers real results and what is a fad?

If I was starting from square one in an effort to lose and shape up...

I'll admit, looking around at what is on offer I wouldn't know where to start...

So many different "diets" different ways, different opinions...

With so many different ways to take action I can see why the outcome for you might be take no action...

Especially if time is short and there are so many other things vying for your attention...

I understand why so many are frustrated, unhappy and stuck...

Luckily for me, it being my area of expertise I can see what's going on...

I can see a quick fix a mile off and when we need a solution, why not go for the option that (promises) to provide the solution quickly...

Usually in the form of pills and gadgets, usually endorsed by good looking, in shape people, the question is: is that all they have done to get into the shape they are in, or are they doing something else themselves?...

If the gadget is designed to be folded away and forgotten, then the idea is to get as many people as possible to part with their money, rather than get them a result...

The word "diet" to me makes me think of restriction and a drastic lowering of calories, this brings a short term result, but as soon as you stop, you gain and quite possibly more...

Then when you have become so unhappy with this, you have to go back and repeat the process...

Now don't get me wrong, I am in the weight loss industry and I am in business, hopefully reading my messages you can see I come from the belief of "care and help others get what they want and you can get what you want" partnership...

For the results to be long term it is necessary not to have restriction...

Nothing should be off limits...

It's creating a lifestyle, where the habits are sustainable...

It's just that maybe to get started you need the help of an expert or a group led by an expert...

The blood sugar stabilisation plan works that if your blood sugar is steady of an average day, you burn fat...

It's then finding your favourite foods that help you do that and an effective exercise plan you can easily adhere to...

And I'm ready to help with that!...

In in my group lose and shape up, the first 3 sessions will be free and there will be a challenge to see who can lose the most over 3 sessions, whilst still for example enjoying a glass of wine each night...

Sign up to receive your free report by entering your details on the right (desktop only)...  

Ed (so miss fitness model, that supplement is what keeps you looking great? "Oh yes it's the Supplement and a little bit of intense exercise five times a week and eating bland healthy food all the time, but that was just for the filming of the advert and they paid me a fortune, soon as filming finished I had the most almighty blow out for days after") Stride.