Monday, 28 August 2017

The best type of weight loss exercises...

One good thing about working in a gym is all the snazzy equipment I have access to...

The list is endless, quite recently a big piece of equipment arrived that took up a third of the gym, with a multitude of different fittings and stations...

I must admit, the first time it arrived I looked at it and thought "what are you supposed to do with that"...

Not to mention all the strength machines and cardio machines...

I notice a lot of people coming into the gym like to either use one or the other of the above...

The question is as a Busy Mum or Busy Professional wanting to lose and shape up do you need fancy equipment?

The short answer is no...

Exercising to lose and shape up means doing exercises that use and stimulate a list of muscle groups and the exercises keep the heart rate elevated through out...

It's likely because a Mum's body has been through pregnancy and if her lifestyle involves driving a car or other prolonged sitting, or a busy professional commuting and working in an office, hunched over a desk, then the muscles that support the body may need strengthening...

So unless the goal is to strengthen and increase muscle size, then the exercises at a fitness place don't need to involve more sitting down! 

When I designed my online programme the sessions were designed to be done anywhere with absolutely no equipment and short duration because Mums and Busy Professionals don't get much time to themselves and no one has said the sessions are to easy :) ...

Even at the gym the equipment I use the most with people I help tends to be Dumbbells, Kettle bells, suspension straps, medicine balls and good old body weight exercises...

I have even be adopting them for places with minimal space like people's homes and gardens...

So even with all the things occupying your mind if not being in the shape you want to be in is causing you to feel unhappy, frustrated and sluggish, enough that it keeps you awake and you are ready to take the step...

Have a look here: 

One way or another if you are ready we will get there.

You can do this.

Ed ( Exercise Ed? With all the activities we have fit in since the summer began, we are all moving into the spa until Christmas) Stride.

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