If you were to go onto the governments food advice guidelines web page, you would be able to view an easy on the eye food pyramid graphic like the one above…
A great visual guide that makes it very easy to follow and use and it would work great…
For an athlete…
Three quarters of the pyramid seems to be Carbohydrates…
With half of that potatoes, bread, rice, pasta and other starchy Carbohydrates…
And all the supermarket traffic light nutrition advice on their packaging relates to this…
High Carb, low fat…
Which in reality equals get fat…
The key is to make sure we don’t have an energy surplus as that means body fat creeps on as that’s what it turns into…
Granted of the foods on your plate carbohydrate would be the biggest quantity just…
Remember the guide: palm size of protein, fist size of veg, and to lose and shape up (which I’m sure if you are reading this is your goal) half a cupped handful of high energy carbs (mentioned above) and half a thumb size of healthy fat (oils, nuts, nut butters)…
If you can imagine a plate, it’s about 40% Carbs, 30% Protein and 30% Fat, that’s the ideal macros if you have heard people talk about that…
And of course less often and smaller amounts of the other stuff…
Sounds easy?…
It is in theory, but knowing what to do is easy, starting and sticking with it – that’s the hard bit…
But eating the way the government advised meant I was an out of shape Personal Trainer blaming it on Thyroid problems…
Changing the balance as per above meant I was back in control of being in good shape and not able to use the thyroid thing as an excuse!…
If you need some help I created a report that contains some easy to make and tweak for the whole family meal suggestions and how they fit into the lose and shape up system, just scroll back up and enter your email address on the top right hand side.
You can do this.
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