Monday, 27 November 2017

Do you relate to this losing or gaining weight scenario?

I talk a lot about Blood Sugar Stabilisation...

It’s sounds like a fancy term...

I could talk Science and hormones, it’s ok though I’m not going to!...

So in real terms, how does stabilising blood sugar effect wether you as a Professional on the go are celebrating the fact that your shape is changing or are you left feeling unhappy that your clothes don’t fit or you feel unhealthy and sluggish...

Well how about a Monday Morning where you struggle out of bed, make a coffee to give you a much needed kick, get ready for work, help children get ready if you have them, make sure you have everything ready for the day and start thinking about your to do list and then suddenly “oh my god look at the time!” Pack everything into the car, jump in, battle the traffic and travel to your place of work, on the way maybe you stop somewhere for fuel or more coffee or you are on public transport and you decide to get one or to give you that kick to start your to do list, you go to get a coffee at work then the smell of sugary warm pastry hits you...

suddenly you are very aware of the empty void feeling in your stomach, you press your face against the glass (the only thing between you and a sugary breakfast) the sugar glistens, you start salivating...

You are trying to be healthy, so you try to be strong...

But it could be ages before you get something to eat and then for it to be healthy it may take preparation or a short journey and right now, you don’t have time for it that! “Yep, I will take that one, in fact put it in a bag to go” it can be eaten on the go- saves precious time...

If the above scenario is a “just this once” then it’s not much of a problem...

It’s when that becomes the habit, it’s when things are repeated over and over, that’s when it adds up...

It will take a conscious effort, but how would the above scenario play out if you managed to have a quick, planned and ideally balanced breakfast?

Or some balanced snacks you take with you, that could have at least taken the edge off the hunger until you get chance to have something balanced...

Those pastries may still look appealing, but it would be easier to pass on a satisfied stomach...

What if that was your on going habit, what kind of effect could that have?

Like I say, you’re only a few habits from making progress...

If you would like help to do this just reply to this post with any questions...

Would love to help.


Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Knowing what to do for weight loss is not your problem, its how to start and keep going!

It’s not that you don’t know what to do to lose and be in the shape you want to...

Or the health...

Have the energy...

You know you probably need to reduce portion size a bit...

Eat more vegetables...

Exercise consistently enough...

If you did that regularly enough you would make progress...

But knowing isn’t the problem, it’s how do you start and do those things often enough to see change?...

That’s the hard bit...

There are a few distractions along the way...

“Anything else with your coffee?” “Mummy I really can’t eat any more” “Let’s not eat rabbit food again, can’t we have steak and chips?”, it’s thingy bob’s birthday we are all going to that posh Italian” “I baked this cake, want a small slice (slab)” “it’s so late, we still have to eat-takeaway?” and it’s been a long day/week/play date/ let’s face it anything really- “I will poor you a glass or two”...

The things that pop up that can stall progress will pop up all the time...

And the route to success shouldn’t mean becoming a hermit...

But where there are situations at every turn to derail you...

How can you have the right mind set to start and stay on track?...

Well to start, you have to have one great big reason as to why you want to achieve what you do...

“I would like to lose a bit of weight will only take you so far”...

Maybe take that statement and ask yourself “why” five times and see what you come up with...

Where are all the clothes you long to wear again, probably hidden away?...

Then put them somewhere you can’t miss, that you have to see again and again...

Already got a holiday booked?... use a picture of the place as your screen saver...

Set alarms if you need to...

have the reason to lose and shape up so at the front of your mind, that when of those scenarios comes up...

You choose something different or compromise...

“Steak?” “Ok, but I will have a salad with it and just steal a few of your chips, because I know you like that” instead of totally joining in...

Do that and compromise with the different scenarios and before you know it, a different habit has been formed...

And another...

Baby steps is fine, but continue that...

It will then take you somewhere.

Or if you need something to get you started, go here...

and click "get started for free".

Kind Regards,

Monday, 13 November 2017

Maybe in your younger days pre children you could do things on a whim...

Life could have a certain spontaneity...

Not so much anymore now you are older, have more commitments and possibly children...

Life involves a lot more planning and routine...

But you could really use this to your advantage for losing and shaping!...

Maybe why I have some kind of success is because I am a little bit “routine”...

I know, not a great brag, but hopefully evidence I’m trying to help rather than impress :)

But if you have stable routines around your other commitments, build in your own routines...

I have said it before, success at this is doing the same mundane healthy habits over and over...

So if your life had become a lot more routine than it was before then use it to your advantage...

I know you are short on time, but find habits that are so quick to implement...

Could be as simple as having a healthy breakfast buy setting your alarm five minutes earlier...

Packing healthy snacks and drink if you spend a lot of time in your car...

On the flip side, it’s easy if life involves routine to keep repeating unhealthy habits...

Are there any when thinking about it that you do over and over without thinking or can you increase your awareness to look out for them?...

How could you take baby steps that wouldn’t require time, just doing things slightly differently...

So if life has got a bit predictable and routine, use it to your advantage, do that rare thing of helping yourself and  start putting in some habits that will effect your losing and shaping efforts and effect your health and happiness for the better.

If you read my blogs and wish I would cover a certain subject, just let me know!

Here to help.

Ed (I remember one of the little ones saying “Mummy, Eda is very predictables”) Stride.

Monday, 6 November 2017

Maybe you are losing despite what the weighing scale says...

I’m quite sure I have mentioned it before...

I’m not a great fan of weighing scales...

They don’t tell you the big picture...

It’s not always bad if you gain or stay the same...

Not always good if you lose, good for the mood I know...

Maybe there are alternative ways to measure...

Let’s be honest, most of us really want to lose and shape up to look better...

I know I do!...

The scales don’t always tell us that...

Graphs that measure BMI don’t always give us the big picture regarding our health for that matter...

What about some other ways??!!...

I would measure this with people, even when I started way back when...

The waist to hips ratio...

Here is the scenario...

You are feeling miserable, you got on the scales and despite even doing strength type exercise regularly, despite making very good food choices, even having to be extra strong at week ends not to go off track too much...

The scales say you are exactly the same...

Despite all that, absolutely no progress what’s so ever...

I know I would be asking the same question - “What is the point??!!”...

But then you decide a second opinion is needed, recently you recorded your waist to hips ratio...

(Measuring circumference of tummy and hips and taken a ratio)

You notice, that the tummy measurement has decreased!...

Progress after all...

You have lost fat, but gained a little bit of metabolism boosting muscle and health inducing hydration is up too...

You thought you looked a bit better...

Muscle doesn’t weigh more than fat, a pound of each is the same, but the same amount of muscle is much more dense and takes up way less room hence inch loss!...

A waist to hips ratio is always a good measurer of health, a ratio of 0.8 or less is healthy for ladies...

Unlike how much you weigh, there is no second guessing...

There are many other ways - how tight clothes are for example...

And I know it’s important but, all measurements don’t have to be about aesthetics...

How about how you feel? How you deal with stress, your strength, sleeping patterns?...

Energy levels are a good one...

At the beginning I like asking people I’m working with how confident they are at achieving their goal (out of 10)...

Then later on, I ask again (they rarely remember what they said)...

When the number is higher, they realise they must be making progress and that their out look has changed...

It’s quite powerful when someone realised they are actually more confident about getting results...

You can do this...

Ed ( When I took a waist measurement I would always stay there for a minute or two, wait for that big exhaling of breath to come) Stride.