Monday, 23 November 2015

With Weight Loss it always comes down to this...

A client of mine asked me very recently "I'm thinking of increasing the number of sessions I do with you per week".

This was all well and good, but I knew as soon as she said it, how was she going to fit it in?

She is a busy Mum with two children who has a business her self and is recovering from a serious back operation.

When I asked more questions as to why she wanted to increase, is was to get faster results, so then I asked that annoying question that trainers ask- "how is your Nutrition going?"

She gave me that look.

She instantly knew, see she didn't mind exercise that much.

After 18 years of training people, when weight loss is the goal, 70-80% of it comes down to Nutrition, get this right (as much as you can) it will all come together, you will see the better shape you are in from your exercise routine.
There won't be the question of "what shall I wear" when you go out at night, trying to decide which outfit hides the most, because when you keep getting your nutrition right, there won't be any to hide!

Heck as a 40 year old trainer, I have to be in pretty ok shape, so people will actually believe what I say!
Im ok with were I am, but if I wanted to go further to get leaner myself and I'm doing 6 day weeks training people mornings until evening and there is an 8 and 9 year old at home, I'm doing the most amount of exercising I want to do, so do you know what would I do? That would have the most effect?

Say it in your best annoying mimicking voice....

Focus even more on Nutrition!

If you have any questions, let me know in comments.

By the way if you want to get content like this by email and get a free weight loss report, head to:

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