The box life has taken over...
When I want to motivate my self, I sometimes like to listen to Tony Robbins, a very effective speaker.
In one of his talks he spoke of "the box life".
As someone who promotes the benefits of a Paleo Influenced lifestyle this rang very true.
See how many of these you relate to;
We wake up, to wash we stand in a box, if we have chance before we leave we watch the box, we travel to work or anywhere in some kind of box, when we get to work, or to check emails we use a box, the phone rings - another box!
After spending our day with these boxes, we travel home in our box, we might fill an opened top box with water and finish the day sat in front of the box!
To use all these boxes every day we are usually seated, meaning our box - the sheath of tissue made up of facia, muscle, tendons and ligaments that is the front, back and sides of our body weakens and no longer does a good job of holding us in the right postural position.
A lot of the time this governs how I choose my exercises, especially for people I have just started working with.
You will notice there are a lot of body weight orientated strength exercises, squats, lunges and rows etc. this forms the basis of any programme, would you strengthen the branches of a tree before the trunk, would you construct the walls of a building before the foundation? What would happen otherwise? Weak walls and branches! In the bodies case our frame work of tissue, that gives support to our spine and joints that support and enable us with best mechanics to move our limbs.
Resistance machines have their place, but the foundation has to be strong first, because what do you do with most machines? Sit down!
For you calorie burners, when you exercise do you burn more seated or standing?
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