Monday, 2 May 2016

The Truth About Metabolism.

Not so long ago I had an illness that effected metabolism, the treatment of which led to weight gain.

It was an odd experience for someone who always kept their nutrition in check, exercised regularly and followed healthy principles, despite this to find themselves gaining weight.

Despite eating healthy, in a short space of time I was aware of the new feeling of my legs rubbing together when I walked...

Quickly I had reached 90+ kg's.

It did bother me slightly that my friends and colleagues could follow a similar plan and be in shape.

What had happened was the amount of fuel or energy my body could process per meal had decreased, meaning each meal there was a
surplus of fuel that I ended up wearing.

We know the average amount of fuel (Carbohydrate is the primary source) is about 30 grams per meal.

I was doing some research for an upcoming project of mine, based on genetics and build, I wanted to find out how much this differs person to person and to create a table so someone could pin point their exact number, I know I lead a roller coaster of a life, right? :)

It turns out if the goal is to lose, then there isn't that much difference in the amount of fuel that can be processed per meal, about 24 grams at the lower end and 37 grams at the higher end.

Men typically at the higher end as their muscle content is higher.

So probably unfairly so, but that's is why men tend to have an easier time losing.

So yes it is true, that the numbers differ, that some people can process more fuel per meal than others.

I know there are those that claim they can simply look at high energy food and gain weight.

It can be demotivating that this is already genetically pre chosen, 

of course this dictates that it will be easier for some than others...

But whatever the case, it can be changed, anyone can lose, I will always be providing information and encouragement for you to take action...

So keep your objective in mind, keep moderating the energy per meal

And know whatever the amount or number per meal you can process currently, it can be changed, with the right lifestyle habits any metabolism can be sped up.

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