Monday, 28 November 2016

Improving your Weight Loss Mindset...

When we are faced with a challenge like trying to lose weight and or improve our health through lifestyle...

We can get to a point where we try but feel like we are not getting anywhere...

Sometimes it's easy to give ourselves a reason not to keep trying, that leaves us stuck...

We start to say to ourselves "maybe this is just how I am"...

Or "I have always had a slow metabolism"...

"I am a big boned"...

"I have tried so many ways and it hasn't worked"...

"Because of an illness or my medication, it has made it harder to get results"...

The trouble is, once you except and believe those statements, they really do hold you back...

The above statements have truth, more than a decade ago I gained weight very quickly and was at my heaviest due to thyroid disfunction (gland that controls metabolism, amongst other things)...

I remember excepting that I would never be in the kind of shape I was before...

But luckily my job is to help others improve their lifestyle and be healthier, so I never stopped learning...

At a seminar soon after I gained knowledge that had almost been staring at me...

Eat natural foods, limit foods high in the body's preferred energy source and over time it will keep using its secondary source - body fat...

And sure enough...

But if I stopped looking, stopped applying I would have stayed the same, mediocre at best!

So yes, you may be on the back foot compared to someone else, age may be a factor, so may your previous lifestyle...

But that does not mean that is how it has to be, if you still want to change, you can...

You can move forward from whatever point you are now, but if you haven't changed shape or improved health for a while, then it means you will have to apply more to improve...

And no, you don't need to wait until after Xmas to start changing and implementing...

But start and stay committed and things will happen...

As always, use the comment section for comments!


Monday, 21 November 2016

One big weight loss tip for Mums (and Dads).

See if you relate to the following...

It's the morning, already there isn't much time before you have to (organise others) and leave...

So breakfast if at all is grabbed on the go...

No snacks were packed and if you get the opportunity you might buy something or just wait...

Lunch will be something on the go most likely...

Afternoon snack is just an after thought, something someone possibly does somewhere...

In the case of Mums reading this (or Dads) they will make something for the little ones before thinking of their own and possibly trying to risk the temptation of having a bit at what they are having or polishing off the inevitable left overs... 

When it gets to Dinner time and a more relaxed part of the day, comes the realisation "I'm ravenous!"...

So even if Dinner is a balanced choice, because of hunger and suddenly igniting metabolism, having a modest portion will be a challenge...

In fact the temptation to have something higher in calories or fuel to adhere to the body's message of increase low blood sugar could be too great...

Or if a modest portion is had, later on it could be the snacks calling or alcohol becomes more appealing...

The above scenario day after day leads to a slow metabolism and weight gain...

If at the beginning of the day, it started with a balanced breakfast (could be as fast as natural yogurt, a few nuts, seeds and berries for example)...

that's why a survey stated 80% of successful losers (of weight) started with a balanced breakfast...

Which then made all the other times easier to manage and fit in place.

Monday, 14 November 2016

One trait to lose weight successfully (or anything for that matter).

I know that if there are seemingly many different methods that claim to do the same thing...

Our nature is to try one, looking for very quick results, if that doesn't happen we see who in the media is trying what or what's the latest or who's doing what that gets the same results I want?..

Then when there is no quick return, we tell ourselves "that didn't work" and jump onto the next one...

This becomes a reoccurring pattern...

Anytime I hear about someone who achieved anything, somewhere and every single time the word "persistence" crops up...

In fact when we reach an uncomfortable point, it could mean we have been persistently doing the wrong things...

But to turn it into a massive positive, what if we had the persistence to keep doing something knowing eventually it will pay off in a big way, but maybe just not immediately...

The persistence do keep doing healthy things until, you don't have to be that conscious about them, in fact very soon it would take a conscious effort to be unhealthy...

The persistence to know that you are human, at some point temptation or even life will get in the way and create a challenge, so as soon as you could you would have to go back to being persistent again... 

The persistence to keep doing the things that you know you need to do, or that worked in the past...

So if you are starting to implement small changes (and the best time is now) or consciously implementing to have all the benefits you desire, be persistent.


Monday, 7 November 2016

Everyone wants fast weight loss, but whats the rush...