Monday, 30 January 2017

Your Diet doesn't have to be perfect!

Think I'm suffering from consuming too much of the naughty stuff yesterday...

There was still a lot of chocolate left from Xmas and even a bit of alcohol was consumed which is rare for me...

My other half came back from work quite late and whilst she was away I was looking after little ones and a spot of housework...

Apparently it was amusing that as she was walking in I was resorting to alcohol...

I was given permission at the time we all moved in together to correct any lifestyle habits...

So as I came home one chaotic looking Friday, I spotted a big wine glass and thought, this must be where I come in...

I forget the exact response, but I've never been brave (or stupid) enough to do the same again...

But the old stomach is churning a bit today...

But that's the key with this lifestyle stuff, what you do now will effect how you feel later...

In fact your lifestyle is very much relevant to how you look and feel...

I'm no athlete, but the way they look and what they are able to do different to us is down to their constant habits...

When their alarm clock goes off very early, they are up early lacing up their shoes and wether they feel like it or not, they are off...

Maybe our routines don't sound like the above, but do we consistently fit in a quick healthy breakfast as we are looking after others, getting them ready or hurriedly getting our selves ready in the morning?...

or as soon as we get chance later on grab a coffee and something sweet and gooey...

The bottom line is how we look and feel is a direct representation of the lifestyle habits we repeat the most.


Monday, 23 January 2017

No more Yo Yo Weight Loss...

Did you make any resolutions at the beginning of this year?..

If not a resolution, did you have an objective of gaining more control of being in the health or shape you wanted to be?..

Or feeling more energised, knowing that will have an effect on your entire outlook?..

Or at least a plan to return back to healthier habits than the festive period?

If any of the above resonates, how is it going?

It's about now, that it starts to get a bit harder, resolve gets tested...

Remember when you aim to change an aspect of your lifestyle, you have to think; "can I do this long term?"...

If you set yourself a challenge to last a month, then you get a steady result, but after it all changes back...

Now is a good time for course correction...

You don't fail, if you have already lapsed, you have just confirmed your status as human...

In fact although very disciplined during the week, you could say I lapsed yesterday...

But it was a planned lapse...

That's how I keep it long term.

I have just found what fits and works for me...

So if you did unintentionally lapse, you could say you are still looking for exactly works for you...

And that's it, course correct, maybe you haven't quite found your long term solution yet...

Maybe you forgot if it all works how life could change for the better...

Just be ready to tweak your plan as you go, then go again and just keep vowing to make progress.


Monday, 16 January 2017

How to achieve your Weight Loss resolutions in 2017.

In order for 2017 to be different in terms of your health and your results...

In order to not be reading this message or a similar one in 2018 and being in exactly the same place...

Is that you have to do something different...

See I will readily admit, I have zero ability to predict the future, none at all...

However, if you continue to adopt the same lifestyle habits, the same routines and rituals as before, this will bring about the same or similar results as before...

If you have recently improved your lifestyle habits, then you are doing something different!
Remember to keep it long term though...

Maybe you have just gone back to what you were doing before the festive break, that will at least take you back to where you were...

But after that, you will likely reach a plateaux...

And unless you do anything different, the plateaux will continue, which is fine if your goal is maintenance...

But if you want this year to be the year you take back control, increase your energy and out look, get the results you desperately desire...

Then it's time to do something different...

Even one subtle lifestyle change, that you could start doing as soon as possible...

Doesn't sound much, but that will motivate you to start doing another...

and another...

Before you know it, that will lead to something big.

You can do this.


Monday, 9 January 2017

The best and cheapest 12 Week Diet.

Not surprisingly with resolutions in full force, weight loss is a very topical subject at the moment...

When it was finally sit down and wind down time quite late last night, I caught the tail end of weight loss documentary on TV...

The idea was to calculate and compare the cost of losing a pound of body weight over 12 weeks (I think) with various different, I suppose I have to call them "diets"...

Really don't like that word...

There was a well known Fitness celebrities plan, a juice plan, 5:2 diet (5 days per week eating quite healthy and 2 days low calorie), Paleo and Lighter Life...

They worked out how much it costs for 12 weeks and how much weight was lost...

Unfortunately for me this type of test is flawed, what happens to the subjects after the 12 weeks?

If they pile all the weight back on because it's not sustainable or for a long time after or they are totally reliant on the product for the long term or their results will reverse...

My view on which method is best, is based on what's right for the individual, you have to be able to make it a lifestyle, rather than get through 12 weeks...

Usually that's a mix of plans, to pick the best elements...

Which plan is the best or most cost effective? That would be the one that you can make a long term lifestyle, one that you can do for the foreseeable future...

12 weeks is just a great time frame to adopt new healthy habits, to get some momentum, to start seeing some real change...

Then it should be adaptable enough that it just becomes a way of life, the motivation of seeing results inspires you to take it as far as you want to, to put you back in control of being as healthy as you want to and looking and feeling as you want to.

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

How to keep your New Years weight loss resolution...

It's about now we start setting objectives for ourselves for the year ahead...

Obviously I am standing in your corner ready to help with anything weight loss, exercise and health related...

So when setting said objectives you can work out how much you want to lose, and then list all the things you are going to will yourself to do or to give up and go without...

Resolve to make this year different than last year and the one before that...

Although was that the same strategy as before?

Or you could focus on what you are going to get!

Make the goal inspiring...

How much more energy are you going to have? And what are you going to do with that energy what things could be accomplished?

When you lose and change shape, how much more in control of everything are you going to feel?
How good are you going to feel about yourself and amazingly proud of your accomplishments?

If you could do this, what else you go on and accomplish?

Wouldn't it be great to have that vitality and people always guessing that you are far younger than your actual age and you feeling it too!

Now is the time we start setting objectives, but make them so they inspire and excite you...

Not to have to rely solely on will power, make them so inspiring that you can feel the determination right from first thing in the morning and they continue to pull you along.

Here to help and Happy New Year!
