In the news today are some studies done to investigate the issue if you can be "fat but fit"...
It was looking at whether you can have high body fat / high BMI and still be healthy...
Maybe the problem is in how it's reported; high BMI, obese, over weight, over fat where all used in the same article...
But yet, they mean very different things...
Being obese and over fat is unhealthy and carries health risks, you can't be "over fat and healthy"...
Being over weight and having a high BMI don't really clarify anything either way...
The BMI is now very outdated, I'm not sure why we still have it...
Even the professionals justify it by stating that nothing else gives you an indication that quick...
Surely we know if we are carrying too much body fat already?...
Recently I have learned that the BMI was invented in the mid nineteenth century and by a mathematician, not a health professional!
As a tallish, slightly athletic Coach and Personal Trainer I'm easily in the over weight category on a BMI scale...
My advice would be to skip the BMI chart and the scale if you can...
I don't really come across anyone, anymore who's main goal is BMI related, usually it's to feel better / look better...
So focus on that and if you want, measure circumferences, like your waist (unhealthiest place to store body fat) to measure real beneficial change...
How your clothes fit you...
As always it's body fat we need to focus on to measure progress,
But I agree with the article in that the best way forward to be healthy is our eating habits, balanced nutrition, exercising and moving more in general...
That won't change...
Just focus on you, how you look and feel, not an ancient outdated chart.
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