Monday, 1 May 2017

Weight Loss: Get beyond the details!

The health and weight loss industry is a big one...

Millions spent each year...

Gadgets and fads included...

If you ever bought a gadget or entered into a plan, you've probably deliberated and then shelled out your money...

Felt excited at the prospect of achieving something that would have amazing benefits...

Either for it to totally not deliver, or deliver very quickly and stop...

Or deliver and then when you stopped, the situation reversed and maybe worse...

Leaving you feeling that that's the way things are, you are meant to be a certain size or level of health...

And you start to become sceptical to all messages, even the right ones...

And when people ask me questions, they want to get bogged down in the details...

Then it's my job to dodge the details...

The details, the gadgets, the fat burning pills, the metabolism boosting foods and drinks, body wraps, supplements, will bring you maybe a few percentage closer to results...

I want to bring your attention to the things that make the biggest difference...

That's why in my mail before I talked about a system...

We know nutrition habits are roughly 70-80 percent of weight loss, the right type of exercise making up the rest...

Skip the fat burning pills, decide which types of junk foods and alcohol you can either cut out or cut down on...

Moderate high energy carbohydrates if your goal is to lose...

Find a way to eat more vegetables, every nutrition plan, health specialist agrees with this one...

So it's not pretty, but I care about you getting results, I could easily write about fluff...

But fluff won't get you results...

Let let's keep focusing on the stuff that does!

Ed ( I'm not a liker of veggies since childhood, but it's easier now, I can mix Spinach into my scrambled eggs, who remembers boiled cabbage, can't mix that in your scrambled eggs) Stride.

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