Monday, 26 October 2015

Weight Loss Checklist.

Health and Weight Loss Nutrition is all about balancing and therefore stabilising blood sugar. 

Obviously there are foods (and drinks) that have to be eaten and consumed in moderation for any kind of weight loss result.  

Also for most of us (non athletes) this means decreasing high energy carbohydrates like bread, pasta, rice, potato and sugary breakfast cereals and eating more vegetables (low energy carbs) and sources of lean protein or vegetarian protein such as Lentils or Quinoa.

I can't believe anyone I help, doesn't have at least something for breakfast (it's a huge metabolism kick starter!)
If you aren't, start as soon as you can!
If you are, try and have less high energy carbs and more protein.

Drink more water, sip throughout the day. It Indirectly effects metabolism, every function in the body speeds up, so the body burns more calories. Your skin will look better too.

Snacking! Snacking is good! It's what you snack on that counts. Again go natural low high energy carb, higher protein. This decreases the chance of blood sugar dips that slow metabolism over time. Also increases metabolism.

Feel free to ask a question in the comments section.

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