Monday, 14 March 2016

If we want to lose weight is that all we can eat?

I last week'a blog post, There was a link to a video I made, a practical demonstration to show how much fuel we can process per meal and how much energy certain foods contain.

Basically showing, if you eat a certain type of food regularly, chances are you will gain weight or if your body can process the energy in the food (with a little to spare) over time you will lose and get leaner.

On the demonstration it was pointed out the only food I used to illustrate the point of being low energy was Spinach.

I wanted to make the point that compared to the others you could consume a very large portion and even that would be low energy.

See I thought I was illustrating a point but people have been asking "So is Spinach all we can eat?" So basically only Popeye is happy :).

So for my new website I have been making lots more videos.

Some of the meals can be processed, some not so much.

The videos are also on You Tube, search for Ed Stride.

But I didn't want to go for the obvious...

For example a sweet and sour chicken ready meal, with rice. 

Sticky sauce and rice, I thought it would be quite high energy, remember I was using sugar to illustrate what the body was breaking the energy into...

I don't think had a container big enough to put the equivalent amount of energy in! 

About three times the amount that could be processed per meal. 

Juice and baked beans were others that were high.

On the low energy list was a big handful of strawberries, a handful of mixed nuts, a table spoon of peanut butter and a quarter of a pot of Humous.

I'm sure there will be loads of others as I've just began to compile the list.

But if your nutrition plan consists mostly of foods your body can process, then it will be more about losing fat than storing fat.

Don't forget all the recipes fit into the moderate energy category.

More where they came from...

So if you just need it simplified so you can take action, no excuses!

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PS If you have a question write it in the comments section.

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