Despite life getting in the way a lot of the time and despite our best intentions, being able to achieve a weight loss goal, lifestyle goal or any fitness goal is challenging.
Previously when I have run weight loss courses or even talking to someone about their goal, I always would ask "what is going well at the moment?"
Typically I would get short answers, but if I asked "what are your challenges?"
The reply would be a long and extensive list!
When I would take measurements, either results would be staying the same or slightly improving.
This tells me what they were doing right made up at least half of their habits.
But when asked it was a different story.
Which means we tend to focus a lot more on what we feel we can improve rather than what we are already doing that is working.
To fit any kind of exercise routine in each week takes time, so does preparing food and not to mention discipline.
To even be aware of what you are eating, or the fact that you haven't moved for a long time at work and it's time to walk around is a very positive one.
When it comes to food, we all have different attitudes and relationships with food, which can determine how easy it is to adopt certain or new habits.
I am lucky growing up some of the days were healthy food days, some not so healthy.
I think Lifestyle and eating habits wise this has given me a head start and made it easier now.
We all start from a different place and sometimes for different reasons.
Keep these reasons in mind, they will help with motivation.
They will help you decide what you need to do, but make a list of what you are already doing right, it's bigger than you think....
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