Monday, 7 March 2016

The components of a real life sustainable weight loss plan...

Recently I received a lot of positive comments from my email list regarding a video I made recently to demonstrate why moderating energy intake is the key to weight loss.

Explaining energy consumption using sugar is so much easier using video compared to the written word...

I may have been learning about health and fitness for nearly 20 years, but there is still so much learning to do.

It's ok having the knowledge but being able to put it across is a challenge.

Also every body is different, maybe everyone has similar goals, wether that be weight loss, moving with less aches and pains...

It sounds the same on the surface, but ask someone why they want this and then the answers get more personalised.

But I know it's ok having the information, there are numerous other factors as to wether it's applied.

When I create content there are many factors I consider...

To make it simplistic, if I am overwhelmed about something I am less likely to take action.

Food should be good tasting, it's a belief of mine that eating healthy shouldn't mean eating bland uninspiring food, 

when we eat something unhealthy we feel good at the time, maybe not so good after, when we have something healthy and bland, we don't feel good during but maybe self righteous but unsatisfied after :)

Whilst if it's healthy and good tasting we get both.

But I believe in this quest to be in better shape and health, it shouldn't mean we can never have our favourite food and drinks again!

The "everything in moderation' saying is so true!

Adherence is THE biggest thing, other wise we go through the habit of healthy eating for a bit, followed by binge and then repeat or stop...

Time is such a factor, so it's got be healthy, moderated, good tasting and quick (the list could be longer)...

The exercise we partake has to be the one we enjoy, or maybe we just believe it's a necessary evil (thinking of my poor clients :)).

I believe ultimately this will lead to more people achieving their objectives.

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