Monday, 22 February 2016

Ultimate Weight Loss Tips...

I believe the year was 2009, we were told that new nutrition information was coming out that would change our perspective on nutrition and weight loss.

I like a few others was skeptical.

We thought we were already in possession of this information.

Calories ingested versus calories expended was the key, like a negative bank account.

However the information that came out changed things...

Stabilising blood sugar, moderating energy intake, eating cleaner less processed foods...

Suddenly it all made perfect sense.

The other day I was passed an article in a broad sheet newspaper (thanks Paul!)

"The common traits of thousands of people who had lost a considerable amount of weight and sustained it".

This included: Having breakfast every day, limiting watching television, measuring themselves weekly (accountability). 

The balance of macro nutrients advised was a more balanced 40%Carbohydrate, 30%Protein, 30%Fat per meal. (This was also part of the revised information in 2009). 

To visualise this imagine a plate, divided into these quantities, 40% vegetables, 30% chicken, 30% olive oil lets say.

I think government guidelines still put the ideal recommendations at 65% Carbs, 20%Fat, 15% Protein.

Eating slightly increased amounts of Protein is better at warding off hunger, because it takes longer to process than other nutrients, keeping us fuller for longer.

Something else was to use smaller plates, people that did this could lose 1 Lb per week!

Bye the way all of these points and loads of others are in my book...

Still available if you need help, for the price of £3.50

(Download the free kindle app to read on any device)
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If you have any questions, please use the comments section...

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