Monday, 15 February 2016

Weight Loss motivation dampeners...

I'm noticing the gym I work at is already a little bit quieter compared to last month.

Some of those who started their exercise routine with great expectations have stopped.

Having seen this constant trend for nearly 2 decades it usually comes down to a few things...

Too much attention to measuring on the weighing scales. I was listening to a famous trainer who had labelled the scales "the sad step".

Great way of putting it!

The scales don't measure shape change only the total sum of all the components of the human body.

Most of our total weight is water and it's far healthier to be better hydrated!

I know so many people who are leaner, in better shape, slimmer waists, clothes fitting way better, but either the same weight or slightly heavier.

Taking photos before you start or before progress has been made and then an "after photo" or waist measurements or even how clothes fit is a better option for measuring.

Relying on just exercise for results: exercise will help and has so many health benefits, but it's your nutrition or eating plan that gets best results, please keep trying to find a way.

Diets. I don't even like the term. Diets seem to mean restriction and low calorie. Which promotes turning your body into a fat storing machine.

People who have the fastest metabolisms eat mostly healthy and often, they seem so surprised that they feel like they are eating more but getting results!

They are teaching their body there is an abundance of nutritious food.

No need for the body to hold on to body fat because the body isn't getting enough nutrients from a low calorie diet, so it slows the metabolism to get through the shortage.

The body knows when we regularly eat balanced nutritious food it's is in good supply, if it needs more energy it can secrete a hormone (glucagon) to turn fat into fuel and we get leaner!

For more motivation and explanations of what works, the ebook is still available...

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If you have an questions let me know and I will make it the subject of one of the blogs.

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