Monday, 29 February 2016

The secret to long term weight loss...

As I try and expand my business and with it the number of people I can help...

I remember a business saying; "success leaves clues".

I think that saying is true of anything.

Another trait that is true of people who lose weight (fat) and keep it off is that they don't deny themselves anything.

If we are told you can't have something it can become all we think about!

Likewise we know consume too much of anything and it will effect results.

I am told by members of the health club "I am going to stop consuming xyz for two weeks".

A lot of the time the motivation is for the person to prove they can do it.

I can predict their results though, lose a few pounds in 2 weeks, gain it back quickly after :).

Those who are successful, find a way to moderate but enjoy their favourite foods or drinks as part of their healthy eating plan. 

To make this an ongoing habit won't be easy, if it was easy, everyone would be doing it!

But anything that's worth having, you usually have to work for, you have to decide if it's worth having...

Bye the way, at the moment I am busy compiling information for my new website, articles and videos.
There are something's that are hard to explain through the written word, a follow along exercise routine to do at home for example...
When I have done mini seminars illustrating what the body breaks food into using sugar, most people respond well to the visual impact.
All foods that contain energy (any thing with Carbohydrate in it) the body will break down into Glycogen or blood sugar, regularly take on board more than you need and body will store the surplus as fat.
But which foods apart from the obvious are high energy?
Well to illustrate this take a look at this video on YouTube:
Don't expect a Hollywood production though :)
Ed (has a face for blogging) Stride

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