Monday, 8 February 2016

Weight Loss Encouragement.

When it comes to objectives, most people can more or less tell me what they need to do.

The part that is hardest is the doing it bit!

Paleo (based on natural foods, found growing or living) works because Nature provides , these were all the foods we needed that provided all the vitamins,minerals, nutrients and energy.

However now we manufacture many other foods.

Foods that contain calories but not much else.

However due to processed fat and or sugar they taste good!

Sugar was found to be as addictive as many banned drugs.

If we have forged a habit of eating these processed foods it's very, very hard to stop.

When we spike our blood sugar levels by eating high energy food, we get a crash, followed by the overwhelming impulse to spike the blood sugar again so we have some more high energy food!

It seems that we can consume far more of this food in one go than the healthy stuff because although it's energy rich it's nutrient low, it's hard to eat a lot of nutrient rich food.

I love creating content and simplifying the what and why and I'm working on a project that makes it even easier.

But, I can't do it for you, I wish I could.

I can show you what to do for great results, but I can't do it for you, no one can.

So I understand habits are incredibly hard to change.

But things don't have to stay the same, if you are aware of what needs doing, then it's time to make changes, even small ones, is there anything in the short term you can do differently?

Something that could make a big difference if you were to adopt a new habit?

If so, when can you start?

It doesn't matter how small the steps are, just challenge yourself every day to keep taking action.

It's why at least a third of the 100 points in my book are mindset ones, designed to encourage you to take action.

Still available if you need help.
(Download the free kindle app to read on any device).

Ed ( "it would be great if you could live in and borrow my body, eat healthily, exercise, get results and then hand it back to me!" Yes someone really said this!) Stride.

If you would like my regular weight loss emails and a free report of the system I have used to help thousands of people...

Feel free to ask a question in the comment section and I will answer it.

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