Friday, 30 December 2016

A lifestyle tip from a 120 year old.

On one of the Japanese islands...

I forget exactly which one...

The inhabitants can live to be up to 120 years old...

This is due mainly to their lifestyle...

When interviewed they were asked to give a few tips...

of course their diet was very natural and healthy...

which included a lot of vegetables and fish...

A good one that was divulged was that this particular gentleman advised, was to stop eating when you are 80% full...

Which is at the point you are satisfied,

Eating natural balanced food usually means you are satisfied quicker than not very nutritious food...

My (anecdotal) view on this is that when the body has had enough nutrients you start to feel satisfied...

Which could be why and I don't know about you, but when eating non nutritious food I can just keep going and going...

Although the feeling of being full has a delayed response, usually 10 minutes after stopping eating you realise how full you really are...

By the way, thank you for reading the blog I massively enjoy writing it...

Happy New Year!


Monday, 19 December 2016

Will I be able to lose weight because of...

When I'm helping people get results, I have to look at different things that effect them as an individual...

They may have a challenge that can make them sceptical of getting results, such as; "Ed will I be able to lose all the baby weight I gained including the Mummy tummy", "But Ed will it work for me as I'm older" "Ed will it work as I have an illness or I am on medication that slows my metabolism", or "I only have time to exercise a couple of times per week" or "I am a big build or big boned, will it work?"...

And the answer to all those questions is an absolute Yes!


You can focus on the fact, that yes you are possibly starting on the back foot compared to those seemingly lucky people who don't have to exercise or eat healthy to get results...

I haven't met many to be honest and usually they are very young...

Or you can really home in on why when you lose weight and improve health, what will you get and why it is so important to you ((take until very early Jan '17 if you wish)

Then what it means is all the information I send is just even more important to put into action...

So if you feel you fit into one the groups above, know It will work, but you have to be even more serious when making a commitment and creating habits...

Take it bit by bit, but know it will be worth it.

You can do this...


Monday, 5 December 2016

The Hardest thing about Losing Weight...

It's time to acknowledge the elephant in the room...

Despite every one knowing this, it's time to face facts...

Exercising and eating healthy are not much fun...

Actually sometimes it's possible to find a type of exercise that's bearable, but then along comes someone like me who reminds you "weight loss is 70-80% nutrition"...

As a trainer I must admit it's a massive challenge to make gym type exercises fun, some parter or group type exercises can draw a smile occasionally...

I even send out recipes once a week to my email list, the recipes have to meet certain criteria, one of which is they have to taste good! As a food lover, eating healthy is so much easier when the food tastes good and you know if it's contributing to results.

The science of it is, is that we are designed to exercise to chase things or to forage, or run away from what is chasing us and what we used to run after or forage didn't come in a box or a packet or even a glass...

Again I will keep looking for the more fun alternative, but keep increasing your list of healthy balanced meals that you actually look forward to eating...

Try and find a type of exercise that you can engage in regularly or at least look forward to feeling good or even smug that you have done something.

Maybe  "fun exercise" an oxymoron  like "act naturally" "found missing" "military intelligence" "jumbo shrimp"?


Monday, 28 November 2016

Improving your Weight Loss Mindset...

When we are faced with a challenge like trying to lose weight and or improve our health through lifestyle...

We can get to a point where we try but feel like we are not getting anywhere...

Sometimes it's easy to give ourselves a reason not to keep trying, that leaves us stuck...

We start to say to ourselves "maybe this is just how I am"...

Or "I have always had a slow metabolism"...

"I am a big boned"...

"I have tried so many ways and it hasn't worked"...

"Because of an illness or my medication, it has made it harder to get results"...

The trouble is, once you except and believe those statements, they really do hold you back...

The above statements have truth, more than a decade ago I gained weight very quickly and was at my heaviest due to thyroid disfunction (gland that controls metabolism, amongst other things)...

I remember excepting that I would never be in the kind of shape I was before...

But luckily my job is to help others improve their lifestyle and be healthier, so I never stopped learning...

At a seminar soon after I gained knowledge that had almost been staring at me...

Eat natural foods, limit foods high in the body's preferred energy source and over time it will keep using its secondary source - body fat...

And sure enough...

But if I stopped looking, stopped applying I would have stayed the same, mediocre at best!

So yes, you may be on the back foot compared to someone else, age may be a factor, so may your previous lifestyle...

But that does not mean that is how it has to be, if you still want to change, you can...

You can move forward from whatever point you are now, but if you haven't changed shape or improved health for a while, then it means you will have to apply more to improve...

And no, you don't need to wait until after Xmas to start changing and implementing...

But start and stay committed and things will happen...

As always, use the comment section for comments!


Monday, 21 November 2016

One big weight loss tip for Mums (and Dads).

See if you relate to the following...

It's the morning, already there isn't much time before you have to (organise others) and leave...

So breakfast if at all is grabbed on the go...

No snacks were packed and if you get the opportunity you might buy something or just wait...

Lunch will be something on the go most likely...

Afternoon snack is just an after thought, something someone possibly does somewhere...

In the case of Mums reading this (or Dads) they will make something for the little ones before thinking of their own and possibly trying to risk the temptation of having a bit at what they are having or polishing off the inevitable left overs... 

When it gets to Dinner time and a more relaxed part of the day, comes the realisation "I'm ravenous!"...

So even if Dinner is a balanced choice, because of hunger and suddenly igniting metabolism, having a modest portion will be a challenge...

In fact the temptation to have something higher in calories or fuel to adhere to the body's message of increase low blood sugar could be too great...

Or if a modest portion is had, later on it could be the snacks calling or alcohol becomes more appealing...

The above scenario day after day leads to a slow metabolism and weight gain...

If at the beginning of the day, it started with a balanced breakfast (could be as fast as natural yogurt, a few nuts, seeds and berries for example)...

that's why a survey stated 80% of successful losers (of weight) started with a balanced breakfast...

Which then made all the other times easier to manage and fit in place.

Monday, 14 November 2016

One trait to lose weight successfully (or anything for that matter).

I know that if there are seemingly many different methods that claim to do the same thing...

Our nature is to try one, looking for very quick results, if that doesn't happen we see who in the media is trying what or what's the latest or who's doing what that gets the same results I want?..

Then when there is no quick return, we tell ourselves "that didn't work" and jump onto the next one...

This becomes a reoccurring pattern...

Anytime I hear about someone who achieved anything, somewhere and every single time the word "persistence" crops up...

In fact when we reach an uncomfortable point, it could mean we have been persistently doing the wrong things...

But to turn it into a massive positive, what if we had the persistence to keep doing something knowing eventually it will pay off in a big way, but maybe just not immediately...

The persistence do keep doing healthy things until, you don't have to be that conscious about them, in fact very soon it would take a conscious effort to be unhealthy...

The persistence to know that you are human, at some point temptation or even life will get in the way and create a challenge, so as soon as you could you would have to go back to being persistent again... 

The persistence to keep doing the things that you know you need to do, or that worked in the past...

So if you are starting to implement small changes (and the best time is now) or consciously implementing to have all the benefits you desire, be persistent.


Monday, 7 November 2016

Everyone wants fast weight loss, but whats the rush...

Monday, 31 October 2016

How much fuel does your journey require?

I may have written about it before?🙂
How much energy we consume and how much we expend is important to health and weight loss...

So our energy consumption should be relative to expenditure, as in how physically active we are...

The old advice of most of what you consume can be carbohydrates (our bodies primary fuel source) didn't work as nowadays most of us don't have the requirements for so much energy...

A bit like a car, if we are not constantly going on long drives we don't need the fuel...

In a car, unused fuel sits in the tank ready to be used...

In the body, it has a couple of initial places (muscle and liver) and then over flow storage (accumulative body fat)...

That's why the advice has changed and moderating foods that contain simple to use energy is the key...

There some times the body needs fuel, after reasonably challenging exercise for example, the energy/ blood sugar level will be low and the body will need a bit of refuelling and regeneration...

But if your day involves busy but sedentary activity that's why it's important to moderate energy foods for health and to look and feel how you want to.

Any questions? Let me know in the comments section...


Monday, 24 October 2016

How to have a little guilt free indulgence this Christmas!

One thing that bothers me is when I'm forced to get into the Christmas spirit too early...

If they start playing Christmas songs on the radio at the end of November on the radio, I turn it off...

But when it's time I embrace it and my nutrition plan resembles that of a starved teenager rather than a disciplined Personal Trainer...

The rest of the year (unless I'm near a  buffet on holiday) I'm pretty good, so I feel I'm allowed a little blow out at Xmas...

How could you have a guilt free Xmas  blow out? 

If you are not being healthy start now, you only have 10 weeks!

10 weeks to fit in to the party attire, until all the social festivities start...

Wouldn't it be good if a relative or friend you hadn't seen for a while said "wow, you've lost weight!"...

But where to start?

Any of these will yield some results;

All that stuff you really know you shouldn't be having most days, try and have only at the weekends in modest amounts...

Try and reserve alcohol and lady petrol (wine) for the weekend...

In fact cutting down on alcohol will make a difference on its own...

Have breakfast; in a survey of people who have lost weight, more than 80% had breakfast, missing meals regularly slows metabolism...

Reduce your intake of high energy foods like bread, pasta, rice, potato, cereal, juice and the like and have more protein rich foods and low energy vegetables...

Spread your food intake across the day, the body can only use some of the energy in a big meal, even a healthy one.

Do any of these consistently and you would have earned a little Xmas blow out.

Monday, 17 October 2016

Are your "highs and lows " stalling your weight loss progress?

That is various types of foods you are consuming that lead to blood sugar spikes...

If our goal is health and weight loss related, constant blood sugar spikes are something we want to avoid...

A blood sugar spike is caused when a high energy food is eaten and then this quickly enters the blood stream...

Insulin is the hormone the body releases to 'unlock' the energy and send it to the muscles and liver...

If there is a surplus, this gets converted to body fat...

Most of the population consume food that is predominantly high energy...

It has changed recently but typically 70% of people's daily food intake is Carbohydrate...

Most people's days don't require much need for energy...

That means blood sugar going up and down all day...

In fact if you want to spot this, it's usually apparent in a persons's personality, highs and lows...

How do we stabilise blood sugar?...

By moderating high energy carbohydrates and slightly increasing foods containing healthy protein and healthy fat...

When blood sugar is stabilised and we have some fuel in our system, to get more the body uses body fat for fuel which leads to fat loss...

Everyone knows someone in their social circle who has personality highs and lows cause by fluctuating blood sugar and if you are struggling to think who it is, then maybe it's you!

Until next week,

Monday, 10 October 2016

How many times a week should I exercise for weight loss?

When enough people ask me the same question, I always think I should send the answer to all of you as well, as maybe you have the same question?...

It's an exercise question; "How many times should I exercise each week"

In general try and be as active as your lifestyle allows, but for structured exercise sessions...

It's pretty much the same answer; as many as your lifestyle will allow...

In my 12 week programmes (website being constructed as we speak) the number I state is 2-5 times per week.

These include both strength training ( body weight exercises for example) as well as aerobic/cardio...

Less than 2 a week and by the time the body undergoes the slight benefits, it will all start to tail off by the time the next one comes around...

But if its an incredibly busy week, one is better than zero...

More than 5 can be counter productive and who has the time, energy and will to do more than 5!

Seriously unless you are training for a competition or for increased performance 2-5 is enough.

Only got time for 2?...

Then make them count doesn't need to be too intensive, just enough that the metabolism is elevated, I'm sure you still want enough energy left to get through the rest of the day...

Monday, 3 October 2016

Weight Loss is harder as we age, but you can still get results!

Being an over 40 something my self, I tend to have a little sympathy when someone says; "I find losing weight so much harder now I'm older"...

Or even the defeatist "I will try but it won't work at my age"...

So the science is as we age our metabolism does slow down and we do tend to gain weight (fat)...

The reason being is that as we age the body becomes not as good at holding on to muscle, the very thing that needs a lot of calories...

So our metabolic rate slows down...

Now, be honest with this answer, have your eating habits changed much over time, especially quantity wise?

See this is a problem, whilst before we had more muscle, we had a greater need for calories, so if you have put on weight as you have got older, muscle has decreased over time, meaning you don't burn as many calories as before, but it's likely if the calories consumed haven't changed you are at a point where you are consuming more calories than you need...

I seem to know a lot of people who could pretty much eat what they want when they were younger, but recently they have noticed weight gain and it's very hard to start having to watch what you eat if you never had to before!

"Surely there is a way to reverse it?" I hear you ask...

Well, of course...

If muscle naturally decreases over time, we know we can slow this process or even change it by doing strength training exercises, even if you have no equipment and are so busy you can only do short sessions it's still effective... 

That will increase metabolism...

In relation to consuming too many calories, just make some tweaks, nothing drastic...

How often do you enjoy calorie laden food? What about stuff that is not obvious like fruit juice and fruit smoothies and other high sugar foods? Or liquid calories?

Or big portions?...

So yes, there is some truth in the fact it indeed gets a little harder as we get older...

But I have seen great results in anyone I have helped that made the necessary changes and made it a lifestyle, regardless of age.


Monday, 26 September 2016

I'm think I'm getting results, but the weighing scales say otherwise!

After 20 years I'm not giving up...

here goes, imagine this...

You have been on a good run with your lifestyle...

The natural healthy food consumed per week is way more than the unhealthy processed...

You have even started having modest portion sizes...

And fitting in exercise at least a couple of times per week...

Increasing your water intake...

On this particular day you try on an item of clothing that you have been wanting to fit into for ages...

And it fits! You don't even need to fight with it or pull a face...

You catch a glimpse of your reflection and instead of feeling deflated you actually think "not bad"...

There is a spring in your step...

Family and friends start to notice and are interestedly asking what you are doing...

It's been a few weeks since you weighed yourself (yeah I know, just keep imagining)...

You decide to step on the scales, you have already planned the little jig you are going to do...

You excitedly look down, the scale says you have lost the grand total of 0.2 kg's...

Confused and dejected, immediately your mood changes and you feel unhappy that 0.2 kg's is the result of your hard work...

What the scales don't tell you is your water and muscle are up, increasing your metabolism making it harder to over consume...

Not to mention the 3kg's of body fat shed (at the super market have a look at how much room 6lbs of lard takes up and that's what you have accumulatively shed from your body and why clothes fit better)...

The point of the email; weigh yourself but remember it's only telling you so much...

Focus more on the clothes, your energy, how you feel, that will tell you the results you are actually getting.

You can do this!
Until next week,

Monday, 19 September 2016

Igniting your metabolism - don't fear hunger!

Lots of people view hunger as bad...

The thinking is; if I give into hunger it will negatively effect results...

Hunger must be suppressed...

Waking up and not feeling hungry must be a good thing?...

Mostly the answer is the opposite...

When I ran 12 week weight loss courses, the "homework" for week 1 was to start having breakfast if they weren't already...

There was always the reply of "but I'm just not hungry in the morning"...

My translation was "my metabolism is so slow that when I wake up after x many hours of not eating I'm still not hungry!"

How to fix the above problem? Start having something for breakfast it will kick start the metabolism...

Hunger is the bodies' way of telling you "I need nutrients"...

See that's the key, nutrients...

So to get results health or weight loss, you should eat when hungry but Nutritious food and moderate portions,  the food will not only be processed by the body but your body may have to top up fuel if there isn't quite enough and then turn a bit of body fat into energy...

Imagine if that happened constantly?

PS if you have any questions or suggestions for future blogs send them to

Monday, 12 September 2016

Weight Loss, no need to fear failing...

Or in the context of this blog post, the fear of failure of not improving your health, not fitting comfortably into clothes you want to wear...

Sometimes if we knowingly self sabotage, we can feel in control of the situation at least (I know, bit deep :))

I have known a lot of times where people I am helping have told me when they make progress, other people want to slow them down for their own reasons...

A lot of the time when we are younger we are taught not to aim too high for our own protection, which has an effect on our other objectives... (Deeper still :))

But the good thing with a health goal or fitting into clothes goal is that you do get a second chance...

I was doing quite well this weekend, not too many treats, then as I was looking in the food cupboard of my little ones and eyeing stuff I heard the magic words "some of that needs eating up"...

For once my other half found me all too eager to help out... :)

But next week end I get another chance to reign it in slightly...

We can strive to do better in our lifestyle habits, like I said before it's nothing fancy, just sound nutrition habits and trying to move and be as active as life allows...

I have seen it work time and again, I have a system that can be implemented and tweaked for the individual, but you have to find your own lifestyle habits balance, that you can maintain for the foreseeable future... 

So don't fear failing, just go again if you slip up, it should be steady progress, it won't last otherwise, I would never advise it if I knew it was a "quick fix"...

But leave it too long, as I know metabolism slows with age, the number of calories we burn slows, it gets easier to consume more calories than we need, but it's reversible, you already know how, don't fear not getting there, there will be slip ups, just resolve to keep doing what works and make progress, it will get easier the more progress you make...

But you have to keep taking action to make progress...

PS head over to my Personal Training facebook page as in my latest post I'm giving away my Weight Loss system Ebook.


Monday, 5 September 2016

Ed's Top Weight Loss Messages

It seems things are changing slightly, the lifestyle messages of track suit wearing weirdos aka Fitness Professionals and Personal Trainers are becoming more mainstream... 

It's now becoming fact that...

1). Diets don't work.

"Diet" is my least favourite word, diets mean trying to eat as little as possible. Diets are quick fixes at best, that will teach your body to store body fat like crazy as soon as it gets chance...

We are designed to nourish our body with nutritious food and often, once you can get past what seems like a contradiction of eating more regularly your metabolism will accelerate.

2). Get rid of the weighing scales.

The weighing scales are a tool that measures every component of the human body, good and bad. Everyone is different it doesn't make sense to proclaim that you are this height, so you should be this weight!

How much we weigh shouldn't govern how we feel or how healthy we are.

3). Strength Training shapes and effects metabolism like no other form of exercise.

If you are not keen on exercise, then time efficient but slightly intense routines can still deliver results...

My very near future plan is to take all the systems that have worked so well with people I have worked with in person, to then be in a position to help the masses get results...

For a free report containing the system I use to help loads of my clients get results go to:


Monday, 29 August 2016

Weight Loss: Why Servings and Portions are Important.

The most the popular subject for questions this week has been portion and serving size...

Firstly to differentiate, a serving is the recommended amount of a food per meal, a portion is the amount we actually dish out...

I'm not sure about you, but for me there has sometimes been a few times where, let's say my portion may have been slightly bigger than the recommended serving size :)...

Sometimes I think when it's written on a product it's been put on there to make us feel bad...

I remember one Sunday, just digging in with my spoon into the ice cream tub (fatal)...

Because it was starting to melt, I kept going, it gets passed the point where it's worth leaving any...

Then I read on the side of the empty tub "contains ten servings" I did feel bad that 9 people were potentially going to miss out on their share of ice cream...

But portion size is an important one...

Obviously the rest of the time I'm far more careful...

However there is certainly more to life than measuring and weighing every thing you eat...

I love being healthy, but I also like my food too, so I know there has to be a compromise relative to what realistically can be achieved...

Key to weight loss being the recommended amount per meal of Carbohydrate is about 30 grams, but what does that look like?

For most breads two slices is more than 30grams, for this reason I only have 1 with breakfast for example...

When it comes to pasta, rice and potato rather than measure, or look on the packet and do some sums, I try to, and my advice would be to have the smallest possible portion size and load up on the veggies, because at the other end of the spectrum 30grams of leafy veg is a big heap...

Fruits differ, a large Banana is approaching 30 grams, an apple is half that, most the berries tend to be quite low...

I'm quite a fan of Peanut Butter, it's pretty healthy, but a small amount is moderate in carbs but high in good fat, but even 2 table spoons contains over 100 calories...

In my 12 week programmes servings and portions is the subject with tasks set for Week 5 and for the membership site I will construct a video... 
Keeping the web designers busy...

To receive similar content and more to your inbox, go to and get a free report with info you can start applying today!

If you have any questions that need answering use the comments section, I can answer it in a future blog.


Monday, 22 August 2016

Weight Loss advice from the Olympics...

Yesterday was the closing ceremony of the Olympics, here in England many were very inspired with the British Olympians, not just the fact they kept winning but also the shape they were in...

An inspiration for the Mums for example was Jessica Ennis Hill who since the Olympics four years ago went away to start a family and has gone back to training and was at the current Olympics back in pretty much the same shape as last time...

In fact people are questioning how the GB team keep winning everything...

One of the cyclists answered the question, that they have a big team of people including Nutritionalists focusing on every detail...

Now some of my PT clients and members of the health club I speak to worry about me, that my life may not be as enjoyable as theirs because of my "Personal Trainer's Lifestyle" :) but if you asked the Olympians when was the last time they ate something that wasn't part of their routine, whilst training and competing at the Olympics they probably couldn't remember...

In a way though there are similarities to how they get ready that can be applied to your health and or weight loss goals on a smaller scale...

There is or should be a time frame involved for you, it could be a holiday or for Mums when they get chance when the children go back to school, and probably the rest of us from next month getting ready for the Christmas holiday season...

Then it's knowing what you have to do to make it all happen...

You see an Olympian winning a medal in front of masses, but what about all the boring stuff repeated over and over, time after time no one sees...

Luckily our lifestyle doesn't have to be as rigid, winning a gold medal requires following a set rigid lifestyle, but even wanting to lose a few kilograms or to have more energy, to be mobile, to fit into the clothes of your choice...

still means following a certain lifestyle and getting the balance of good and bad habits right.

PS if you have an unanswered burning lifestyle question, then mail it to me and I will make it a future blog.

For a free weight loss report and to receive regular content and weekly healthy recipes to help you get results, go to:


Monday, 15 August 2016

How many calories do most people consume per day?

You know as a Weight Loss and exercise expert I like to be on the button with relevant breaking news stories...

Sometimes they may have broke sometime before I come to realise, however...

On the news this very morning was a story that talked about how we underestimate how many calories we consume...

By about two thirds...

Most people said they consumed about 2,000 calories per day when in actual fact it turned out to be 3,000 calories.

Usually when we exercise we tend to either overestimate how many we are expending or underestimate how this effects the balance of calories in and calories out...

So if we are actually consuming 3,000 calories a day for most of us that is probably more than we are burning...

Which means slowly but surely body fat is creeping on...

The summer is a hard time to conserve calories especially if you are on holiday surrounded by nice food...

Summer is a hard time to burn calories especially if you have children to entertain 24/7 (mind you that does burn a few calories)...

So if results are important (you may have heard this message before :))  keep monitoring your nutrition habits, natural foods, moderate portions, eating little and often, staying hydrated...

If you need more help, after 20 years of doing this I've got content coming out of my ears!

12 week weight loss programmes for specific people and an ongoing information base coming soon...

For a free weight loss results report and free regular content go to :

Monday, 8 August 2016

Weight Loss: focus on what has a big effect first.

In the past when I delivered weight loss courses or when someone wants to ask advice...

They would jump straight in with certain questions...

The problem is I really enjoy answering questions...

However sometimes I have hold back for a second...

Usually at the start of a course, people will be bursting with questions for me to answer...

Such as...

"I have heard that peanuts are the least healthiest nut, is that true?"...

"Which cardio machine burns the most calories"...

"Which is better semi skimmed or whole fat milk for health and weight loss?"...

"Which cooking oil?"...

"Which burns more calories, drinking cold water or hot water" (Calories the body has to expend to heat/cool the water to body temperature and yes someone really asked this!)

These questions are fine at the end of a course, or if you are fine tuning lifestyle habits, but not the beginning...

A colleague of mine (who isn't a hippy) labelled these small rocks or small details that will have a small effect when implemented...

At the beginning healthy changes in eating habits will have a big effect, increasing the amount of exercise (if you are not a regular exerciser) having smaller portions, eating moderate and often, seeking to eat foods not related to health or weight loss as moderately as you can...

These are "big rocks" if these become lifestyle habits they have a big effect on health and losing weight...

To get a free weight loss report, eating out on a weight loss plan and receive relevant applyable content, go to:

Thanks Ed.

Monday, 1 August 2016

Realistic Food Preparation for Weight Loss.

One of the biggest healthy eating lifestyle challenges is food preparation...

It can be an incredibly arduous task...

It can be time consuming...

The truth is most people have very little time to prepare...

Or they spend a lot of time making or preparing food for others (Mums)...

I remember one of the first times I made breakfast for my other half and the step children...

I was making Omelettes, when it came to Omelette number 4 (mine), despite knowing all the science and having an unwavering discipline with my own nutrition 80% of the time...

I couldn't help thinking at this point in the breakfast proceedings how easy it would be to tip cornflakes in a bowl and add milk...

I stayed strong (just)...

But I know of people and weight loss plans which means prepping all their meals for the whole week in little Tupperware...

Or batch cooking on a Sunday...

To be honest, I couldn't do that...

But I do know the power of preparing, any kind of preparing will really help...

For example...

To purposely make too much food for dinner, so there will be enough for lunch the next day...

To always have snacks in your bag, like Fruit and Nuts for example, or a bar that has Protein as well as Carbohydrate to keep boosting metabolism between meals...

To make a shopping list with healthy ideas, so you can plan ahead for the week and if your weekly routine is similar, one that will require less thought as you get into the habit...

At the very least water to take with you...

On whatever level you can prepare, it will really help, wether to feel/ look better or improve health and so many other benefits...
If you are unsure of the best eating habits to get results or advice about best things to order at a Coffee house; go to

Monday, 25 July 2016

Maintaining a weight loss plan during the summer...

One of the patterns I notice year after year working in a big health club is it goes very quiet in the summer...

The children have broken up for the summer holiday, which means they need supervision and a lot of the time, activities to keep them busy...

Most people, because it's such a novelty, may want to do more outside activity...

Not to mention it's a popular time for holidays...

But if you find yourself less able to exercise or maintain as healthier lifestyle as usual then here are a few pointers...

If you are trying to lose weight, remember my recent calories in and calories out message...

If you are not able to be as active as usual then just be aware of calories per meal...

Also if the above is the case, watch out for high energy carbohydrates such as Bread and Pasta; if your energy needs are less, then watch how much energy you put in...

If you are an exerciser and you can't do your usual 1 hr routines, then whatever you can do in whatever time will suffice and probably be more effective than you think!

Strength training is the type of exercise with the best metabolic benefits, there are lots of body weight exercises that can be done...

In fact I am busy designing 12 week weight loss programmes, with short "do any where" exercise routines for the website...

If you found the content above useful and want to get an insight into the system I use to help people get great results and a  coffee house menu investigation, head to:


Monday, 18 July 2016

Weight Loss: Struggling to get started, do this!

In the past 20 years that I have been working in gyms and health clubs...
There is one main reason why people join...
Weight Loss...
There is still one piece of advice I have been dispatching that is still as relevant today as it was nearly 20 years ago...
If your goal is to Lose Weight, To Lose Fat, To Improve shape, to see better muscle tone...
Aim to ingest slightly less calories than you expend...
It's all about the relationship between calories in and calories out...
Yes, about 8 years ago, it got a little bit more technical...
But if you are struggling to get started, this can make a huge difference...
One simple way of doing this is to eat natural food those with the shortest ingredient list possible...
Natural food is more processable by the body and typically more filling for less calories...  
Don't try and speed up the process by drastically lowering calories, your body will lose lean weight (water and muscle being the biggest components) as well and lean weight determines how many calories you burn each day...
Lower lean weight means less calories burned each day...
Which in the long run makes it easier to consume more calories than you need and gain weight...
See calories and Weight Loss as a negative bank account, you always want to be spending more than you are saving...

Monday, 11 July 2016

Reasons your weight loss plan isn't working...

I was writing an article for the website the other day called "20 reasons why your weight loss plan isn't working"...

I was highlighting them and providing actionable information...

There are something's you know you need to do and maybe it's not the right time now, or you have got too comfortable with where you are now...

But what's worse is when you reach the point where you desperately want to take action, or have taken action but it's not having the desired effect...

So here is a couple of shortened snippets from the article;

Losing weight and changing shape are different things, can you change shape without losing weight? Oh Yes!
So the scales may indicate no change, but you could still be losing fat, try measuring your waist and taking photos to compare as well as the scales over time...

You could be eating too many calories; the body weight measuring scales I use give me more measurements than just weight, one is how many calories the person burns at rest, everyone is astounded by the number, but studies show we all underestimate our calorie intake by quite a bit...

Lastly, maybe I'm biased but exercise is useful for increasing your metabolism and strength training in particular. You don't always need fancy equipment, the exercise sessions I have designed so far for my website use body weight only and can last under 30 minutes, useful if you are short on time...

Well, that was only touching the surface, look out in the future for a blog post called some reasons your weight loss plan isn't working 2 and so on...

Monday, 4 July 2016

Eating out and still getting Weight Loss results...

After cramming loads in to a Sunday, we headed very late in the day for a Carvery...

Even though it was the weekend, I still had a nutrition plan to keep me on the straight and narrow...

I can load up on the healthy things, especially veggies, but I tend to only pick a couple of small roast potatoes and a very small Yorkshire pudding...

But you know when your too late when you walk in and the chef is tucking into his roast...

So the only other place that was likely to be open was the Indian Restaurant...

A bit of a curveball as this menu would be more of a challenge...

Luckily for me, this was part of my research for my website...

So I knew a couple of Poppadum's at the beginning was OK, although not very nutritious, they are light and low energy...

Although I'd researched which curries were ok, I went for the obvious mixed tandoori grill and salad and we shared a very light spinach and garlic rice...

Now, I'm sure you are finding this incredibly interesting... :)

But my point is you can combine healthy eating with eating out, it's just knowing what the best options are...

Knowing what fits in the plan that even if your goal is weight loss, will still keep you on track, or if it's the weekend an indulgence that you know won't halt progress and undo your hard work...

In my new website I will highlight my system that has helped many people get weight loss results and part of that will be to investigate different menus from common popular eateries to enable an extensive list of best options...

As someone who is into their food and a healthy lifestyle, the idea is to be able to do both...

For a free report on combining regularly visiting your favourite coffee shop and still getting weight loss results, with some invaluable weight loss guidelines; go to:

Thanks Ed.

Monday, 27 June 2016

Are you taking action to lose weight?

I always try and provide content on what I'm told face to face are the biggest challenges and what everyone needs the most help with...

Usually people who want to lose weight have already been bombarded with numerous messages, probably also had the frustration of investing energy into something that didn't bring about the right result at some point...

Many people say they want to lose weight, but when I ask "for what reason do you want to lose weight?"
I start to get a personalised idea...

If I was to ask would you like to feel better? Even look better? To feel better in the clothes you want to wear? To have more energy? To have better Health? To move well? To feel at your best ...

Most people would say yes...

However based on past history, do you expect to get results? Usually what we expect reflects in what we do...

There was a very famous, important book written a long time ago that stated "judge a tree by the fruit it bears"...

Not what the tree really wants or talks about or says it will do...

So as best you can with your own circumstances it's about what you do with the right information, the lifestyle you adopt, what you buy at the supermarket that you will consume, the food you can plan or even prepare - even if it's just having balanced snacks around for when you get hungry, how you can fit exercise in or or just opportunities to move more per day...

It's your lifestyle actions that will testify that you are serious about getting results...

Bye the way, If you would like a free weight loss report and a specialised eating out and weight loss guide, head to:

Thanks Ed.

Monday, 20 June 2016

Improving Body Shape: Focus on seeing not getting...

A fitness magazine cover headline caught my eye the other day...

It was a popular men's edition...

But the message relates to anybody...

Obviously the cover titles have to be very attention grabbing to get you to read or even buy the magazine ...

Usually with regards to any weight loss, it's very hyped, such as - "lose 10lbs in 2 weeks...

Or "diet secrets of famous actor or actress revealed"...

But for once I liked the wording of this one;

It was a June edition of the magazine that stated; "See your six pack by August"

Aimed very much a younger male audience, but the message is relevant to anybody who wants to lose weight and improve shape...

For most of us our objective is to wear the clothes we want to wear and be healthy but the science is the same...

Over the course of time I have been asked constantly for specific exercises to work a body fat storing hotspot, stomach, bottom, legs...

If you go back to the title article words, it says "see" your six pack...

Meaning it's already there, we can improve mid section strength through exercise, but the shape of our toned muscle is already there...

What is obscuring our shape is our body fat...

How much our body fat obscures our shape, depends largely on our lifestyle...

I wrote it in my book, we have to "reveal" our shape ( a little ebook I wrote called: 100 Point Paleo Inspired Checklist to Permanent Weight Loss, available on Amazon UK :))

Once we decrease our body fat, our shape improves, becomes less obscured and more visible...

It seems unfair but we can't just do specific exercises for the troublesome areas...

We need to get our bodies to use body fat for energy...

Our eating habits accounting for most of this...

Exercise also increases metabolism which helps and improves health...

But improving shape comes down to our overall lifestyle rather than doing many specific targeted exercises...

( back in the mid 90's as a 19 year old my programme of 20 crunches before bed whilst enjoying too many Chinese takeaways each week, surprisingly didn't work :))

Any questions, please use the comments section...


Sent from my iPhone

Monday, 13 June 2016

How to keep getting weight loss and fitness results...

Have you ever tried a new healthy recipe for the first time and liked it?...

Or become slightly more motivated by a new exercise routine?...

But then somewhere down the line, not much later, eating the same recipe doing the same exercise routine got a bit tedious...

So much in fact, that you started eating unhealthier food instead and gave your self excuses not to exercise because it became uninspiring...

I tend to have more variety in my eating habits now, but in the past although healthy I would be quite OK with having the same meal day after day, I'm sure there is a word or phrase to describe such a person :)...

One of the most important messages I can give you and it's something that helps those that I help as a Personal Trainer...

...Is when it comes to your nutrition habits have a list of healthy recipes and dishes, dinners, lunches, breakfasts and snacks that you can interchange for variety...

Have either a few different exercise sessions or change yours up every few weeks or have a pool of exercises that you can draw upon and interchange...

I'm aware a big challenge in getting the results you so badly want is creating enough variety...

I am currently resourcing and designing monthly meal plans and guides and exercise sessions that are effective and can be done anywhere...

But don't let lack of variety be the brakes holding you back from developing and maintaining healthy habits to get results...

Apparently the phrase is Monophagous as to someone who doesn't need nutritional variety or is a creature of habit, maybe as well as being a weight loss cure I could also cure insomnia too...

If you would like a free report about making the best choices on the menu of the popular British coffee shop chain Costa Coffee but still wanting to lose weight, head to:

Any questions use the comments section...

I will answer :)

More help and advice very soon,

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Weight Loss isn't just about you!

Sometimes because we put the emphasis on ourselves when we think about why we want to lose weight, change shape or move with less stiffness or have more energy or improve health...

We can tend to put the focus on achieving this objective aside...

Because it's all about us, it can feel a bit selfish...

Other more important things should take priority...

My message today is would investing in achieving your objective actually help others and those closest to you...

If changing shape or having more energy could change your demeanour  , could that have an effect on how you communicate, would it increase positivity and optimism?

When talking to people who wanted to increase their energy, the main reason was to have more energy when spending time with their children or grandchildren or increase productivity for their busy day, which ultimately would be having a positive effect on others...

Therefore if others are counting on us, then our own health must be important?

So whilst time and other commitments are an issue and a priority, maybe if it will have a positive effect on others also, isn't it ok to see our lifestyle objectives as important too?

For a free report on weight loss guidelines and visiting coffee shops on a weight loss plan and making the best choices, head to:

If you have any questions use the comment section...


Monday, 30 May 2016

Weight Loss and Eating habits in the news...

Very recently on television here Sky News UK informed us about a new report regarding updating our eating habits which is creating controversy...

The report is stating regarding obesity and weight loss that we should turn our attentions away from low fat and low calorie...

Members of the general public that were randomly interviewed about it looked very confused...

I thought I would quell any confusion that may arise...

As no one who reads my blog need be confused by this stuff!!

I know there are all these messages out there; low fat, low carb, low sugar...

The question is which is right and which is wrong...

The answer is they are both right and both wrong...

Which sounds confusing, but keep reading!

Remember that all Carbohydrates turn into sugar or energy, so they are one and the same thing, it's the amount of energy each one contains...

The best advice to come out of the report was the advice to eat more REAL food...

The report stated consuming full fat stuff is better for us than low fat, light, skinny etc... 

Avocados for example, high fat but fat the body can put to good use...

You can have a food item that claims to be low calorie, but if all the calories are energy and more than the body needs, then consumed regularly storing rather than burning will be the outcome...

Remember portion size is important, but increase the amount of real foods you consume, decrease the amount of processed foods and your health and not to mention your waist line will thank you for it...

By the way, I have a new free report about up to date weight loss guidelines, being able to eat and drink out with a special investigation to best choices to make at the coffee shap chain Costa Coffe. To get it head to:

Thanks, Ed.

Monday, 23 May 2016

Weight Loss in the headlines...

Very hot off the press this...

Today on Sky News UK a new report regarding updating our eating habits is creating controversy...

The report is stating regarding obesity and weight loss that we should turn our attentions away from low fat and low calorie...

Members of the general public that were randomly interviewed about it looked very confused...

So if you have happened to have watched it...

I thought I would quell any confusion that may arise...

As no one who reads my blog regularly need be confused by this stuff!...

I know there are all these messages out there; low fat, low carb, low sugar...

The question is which is right and which is wrong...

The answer is they are both right and both wrong...

Which sounds confusing, but keep reading!

Remember that all Carbohydrates turn into sugar or energy, so they are one and the same thing, it's the amount of energy each one contains...

The best advice to come out of the report was the advice to eat more REAL food...

The report stated consuming full fat stuff is better for us than low fat, light, skinny etc... 

Avocados for example, high fat but fat the body can put to good use...

You can have a food item that claims to be low calorie, but if all the calories are energy and more than the body needs, then consumed regularly storing rather than burning will be the outcome...

Remember portion size is important, but increase the amount of real foods you consume, decrease the amount of processed foods and your health and not to mention your waist line will thank you for it...

There we go, I'm cutting edge with regards to weight loss, but sadly it's not the same with anything else :)...

For a free report and to receive content and recommended recipes, head to:

Any questions, let me know!
Thanks, Ed.

Monday, 16 May 2016

Weight Loss Motivation (don't worry what you are at the weekend won't sabotage your weight loss results).

Here is a common trait that I am noticing more and more...

Have you ever let's say "really enjoyed " a weekend...

Where you think after that you have totally sabotaged your good lifestyle habits to date...

If your good work only lasted the two days before that, then actually it's possible :) ...

However lets say, you have been forging some good lifestyle habits for a little while...

But the day before the weekend you weighed yourself and today (after) - it's increased by at least a couple of kg's or Lbs depending what you use...

My question is always "what has increased?"

We always seem to associate any weight gain to body fat...

But the scales measure all the components of the body, not just body fat...

In fact the biggest component of the human body is water...

So any short term changes (up or down) mean our water content will be the biggest component...

Plus if the quantity of what you ate in that time increased, as food increases hydration it can be mostly attributed to this...

That's why weight in general tends to fluctuate...

Bear in mind to increase by 1lb of body fat (.454 kg) we would need to consume 3,500 calories more than we need per day...

Not saying it's not possible :)

But this is why I drone on (I'm pretty sure that's the right phrase :))
about habits...

Because if everyday you were to adopt bad habits, eventually over the course of days you could likely and accumulatively go other the needed energy by 3,500 calories or the same energy as 1lb of body fat...

I heard someone say it best in one of my group sessions; "It creeps on"...

Adopting any habit on a given day, could turn out to be a long term habit, that could have an effect either way...

So whilst you can't undo progress in a very short time,

It is your lifestyle habits that you follow the most regularly that pretty much govern how you look and feel today.

Leave a question in the comments and I will make it a question in a future blog...

If you would like a free report of my weight loss system I have used to help people get results since 1997, and to sign up to regular content, go to:

Thanks! Ed.

Monday, 9 May 2016

Weight Loss: Either you have or you haven't...

Whenever I am enlisted to help someone achieve a health and fitness objective I always assume, they chose me because of my fountain of relevant knowledge :) ...

most days for the last nearly two decades I have always made sure the info I have is at the forefront of helping someone get results...

But one of the main reasons people will hire someone like me is accountability...

There is a great way to make someone accountable, without having to nag (although I guess I cant rule out doing that myself occasionally :))

...but when you are setting out to achieve something how do you really know you are successful?

If you had a garden in a sorry state (stay with me :)) that you wanted to transform, you could say you had worked hard planting and watering and nurturing, but eventually there would be a sure fire way to tell...

With a business venture, you could claim to put the hours in, but there would be a way to tell if it was successful or not...

...Actually maybe there are some variables with the above examples...

But somethings are very black and white...

Such as measuring your lifestyle results...

However you choose to do it...

It could be how clothes fit, comparable selfies over time, wether you have an upright posture, the weighing scales (if you must).

But there is no grey area with measurements, either its working and your progressing or maintaining or worse...

If it's important enough, you just have to do what you can to the best of your ability...

I've even tried at various points to have a story ready as to why I wasn't where I wanted to be, it didn't have any effect on the result...

To get a weight loss report and receive content by email with links to informative videos, weekly tasty but healthy recipes; sign up at :

Or leave any questions in the comments section...


Monday, 2 May 2016

The Truth About Metabolism.

Not so long ago I had an illness that effected metabolism, the treatment of which led to weight gain.

It was an odd experience for someone who always kept their nutrition in check, exercised regularly and followed healthy principles, despite this to find themselves gaining weight.

Despite eating healthy, in a short space of time I was aware of the new feeling of my legs rubbing together when I walked...

Quickly I had reached 90+ kg's.

It did bother me slightly that my friends and colleagues could follow a similar plan and be in shape.

What had happened was the amount of fuel or energy my body could process per meal had decreased, meaning each meal there was a
surplus of fuel that I ended up wearing.

We know the average amount of fuel (Carbohydrate is the primary source) is about 30 grams per meal.

I was doing some research for an upcoming project of mine, based on genetics and build, I wanted to find out how much this differs person to person and to create a table so someone could pin point their exact number, I know I lead a roller coaster of a life, right? :)

It turns out if the goal is to lose, then there isn't that much difference in the amount of fuel that can be processed per meal, about 24 grams at the lower end and 37 grams at the higher end.

Men typically at the higher end as their muscle content is higher.

So probably unfairly so, but that's is why men tend to have an easier time losing.

So yes it is true, that the numbers differ, that some people can process more fuel per meal than others.

I know there are those that claim they can simply look at high energy food and gain weight.

It can be demotivating that this is already genetically pre chosen, 

of course this dictates that it will be easier for some than others...

But whatever the case, it can be changed, anyone can lose, I will always be providing information and encouragement for you to take action...

So keep your objective in mind, keep moderating the energy per meal

And know whatever the amount or number per meal you can process currently, it can be changed, with the right lifestyle habits any metabolism can be sped up.

For a free weight loss report and to receive regular content to your inbox go to:

Monday, 25 April 2016

Small Lifestyle Changes Big Weight Loss Results...

 Whenever I am dispatching advice, I am always highlighting installing little habits...

Usually there is skepticism...

It can be hard to see the effect they may have...

a few for example...

To aim to eat smaller, moderate sized portions but more often...

To become a "grazer" if you will...

Recent advice was trying low energy carbohydrate options to replace high energy ones, like Cauliflower rice instead of traditional rice for example...

If you are on the go, taking balanced snacks with you...

I've noticed a few of you have pedometers and are trying ways to increase your number of steps...

Not cutting out your favourite food and drinks, (because I'm not going without a sausage sandwich Sunday morning ?!!) but trying to have them less often during a typical week...

Drinking more water...

Adding strength training to an exercise routine, be it at a gym or at home...

these may seem a little insignificant and not worth the energy or discipline... 

But they could have a big effect...

Most of the habits change the balance from Flub storage to Flub Burning...

The problem is although we feel different quickly, a physical result can take time...

But the above habits either reduce the amount of calories or fuel going into the body or speed up metabolism or both...

Let's say you start having moderate main meals and balanced snacks, instead of sporadic big meals...

there are many reasons for this, the main one is it stops us overeating, we are spreading out the food, rather than over eating because we are very hungry...

The digestive system works harder, I've seen research that says if we eat 5 times a day (3 main meals, 2 balanced snacks) that we expend up to 350 extra calories per day...

By strength training increasing overall muscle (doesn't  take much time with a little effort) by 1Lb burns an up to an extra 50 calories per day...

The reason progress seems slow is that a pound of flub is 3500 calories...

But installing just a few little habits can get you there as quickly as is scientifically possible and keep you there if you keep doing them...

Monday, 18 April 2016

A few simple weight loss tips for success...

Whenever I need help or need to fix something at home (not my forte :)) if I get stuck I consult the oracle of knowledge aka the internet...

For small things it's invaluable, search and get an instant answer...

For bigger things, suddenly you are bombarded with information, if it's something big and important, the amount of information can be overwhelming...

Although having waded through it myself regarding healthy lifestyle advice the messages are the same, but can seem conflicting...

Creating a healthy lifestyle can seem daunting especially when there is always so much else going on!

I have been told by those that read my advice that it's a bit like I have been listening in to your conversations!

But having talked to and helped so many over the last two decades I have a good idea of the challenges.

But know, if a post resonates with you, its because many people share the same challenges...

Here are a few simple nuggets of advice...

Your eating habits are important, but staying active helps, there is always something in life that requires a certain level of strength and energy.

If others doubt or question what you are doing, or sometimes you find your belief lacking, try and plough on regardless, progress will be made.

It's great to have a big objective, but steady progress is fine, break down your objectives into smaller steps, to make it less overwhelming.

Don't be hard on yourself if it gets challenging, just keep doing what you can to maintain for now and as soon as you get chance, do what you can to keep making progress.

If you would like a free report that simplifies the weight loss system I have used to help people get results since 1997...

Then head to

Any questions? Leave me a comment!

Thanks Ed.

Monday, 11 April 2016

Great results from buying an ab/hip/thigh toner, read this first!

I'm not of fan of fitness informercials; pushing some sort of gadget onto the unsuspecting public promising unbelievable results that said gadget has about 5% involvement in...

gadgets that work the stomach and nothing else or a new cheap gadget that works hips and thighs and after a few goes the fat miraculously melts away apparently...

Which in my opinion is pretty underhand marketing, not to mention in fact impossible!

after hearing more about this and their marketing tactics it gets worse...

The marketing company won't market any of these fitness gadget products, unless they fold away.

Well maybe that sounds like a good idea...

but the reason they should fold away is so the company incurs less refunds...

When the person finds out it doesn't give them the result it says it does, they can fold it away and forget about it.

I have always made it a point to "tell it like it is".

When someone in the gym says: " Can you show me some stomach / hips/ thigh exercises?"

I will always say yes and inform them the exercise itself equates to a small percentage of results.

In fact I have turned people away who have said "I'm going to do Personal Training with you, so I can lose weight and eat what I want".

I wish Nutrition habits weren't the biggest factor, I don't have much to gain by advising this.

I know it isn't easy, to open the cupboard or fridge and see what just tastes the best first, rather than the healthiest choice...

Those people who didn't want to change their eating habits thinking they could get results, usually came back when they realised that was the way.

But if they do invent something, a short cut, a new exercise or gadget (does vegetable spaghetti or rice count? Thought not :)) I will let you know!!

By the way if you want regular content sent to your inbox and want a free weight loss report, go to:

Any questions, please use the comment section.


Monday, 4 April 2016

Long Term Weight Loss, Avoid the Yo Yo effect!

Since I have been monitoring my own health and fitness results, I have noticed that things fluctuate a little bit.

I am very consistent with my lifestyle habits, but life does tend to effect results a little bit, despite the fact my nutrition is pretty good.

It is still common, however for many people I speak to, to have big fluctuations.

In cases weight can be lost, sometimes radically, or good fitness gains in a relatively short period of time.

In every case with rapid weight loss I know this is gained back quickly also.

As mentioned before, I see such a difference with attitudes to food and lifestyle.

Unfortunately, I have never seen anything drastic work long term, weight that is lost quickly is quickly gained.

A fitness routine that is unrealistic and doesn't fit into someone's busy week is quickly left by the way side.

We all plan and wish to be in shape for upcoming holidays, then we suddenly realise it's only a few weeks a way, and so to minimise feeling self conscious we try and eat as little as possible before we go, and then less inclined to eat healthy when we get there!

It's called the yo-yo effect.

No long term results come from doing anything drastic in the short term.

Healthy, lean people seem to eat all the time, yet stay lean.

Wether their metabolism is on their side or not, by following the moderate and often and "everything in moderation" lifestyle, whatever the state of their metabolisms they have ramped them up through their habits.

The temptations are always going to be there, it won't get any easier to avoid the full of fat and sugar good tasting food, so having a modern and realistic solution is the key.

If we know we can't do without a particular food or drink, then it's finding a way to configure it in.

When it comes to weight loss or any lifestyle goal, slow and steady is always the best way for long term results.

Remember if you slip up, don't berate yourself, you can't go back, but you can learn what the trigger was that led to the slip up and course correct.

If you would like to obtain my free weight loss report, giving an overview of the weight loss system I have used to help thousands of people over the years, head to:

If you have a weight loss question, leave it in the comments section and I will answer it in a future post.


Monday, 28 March 2016

Would you like a fast Metabolism?

This post's advice may sound "counterintuitive" 

But by what seems like eating more, promotes weight loss.

Most of us were brought up on the three square meals a day formula.

Even if we are trying to decrease overall calorie intake a bit, if we divide the total days calories by three...

It's unlikely the body can process all the energy and other nutrients in one go.

But by moderating the portion size of our main meals and including healthy snacks...

Which means we end up eating 4-6 times a day...

The body has a far better chance of processing the nutrients, even healthy ones when the portion size is slightly reduced.

Even if we are eating something wholesome and natural there is still a limit to the amount the body can process in one go...

If you just reduced the size of your three main meals, chances are you would get hungrier, which would lead to low blood sugar and the wrong type of cravings.

Which could lead to over eating.

Plus eating moderate and often speeds up your metabolism. 

It informs the body (which has no idea otherwise) that food is in plentiful supply.

Also the scientists inform us about Therogenics, which means the digestive system works harder dealing with 4-6 moderate meals, than 3 bigger ones, expending more calories to process the nutrients.

In fact eating moderate and often is one of a hundred weight loss nuggets (or points) in my ebook...

Still available on Amazon for a short time only.

...if you need or would like a checklist to tick off to make sure you are doing everything right for healthy weight loss...

(Download the free kindle app first to read on any device).

You can get it here...

Monday, 21 March 2016

Weight Loss Motivation: Focus on what is going well...

Despite life getting in the way a lot of the time and despite our best intentions, being able to achieve a weight loss goal, lifestyle goal or any fitness goal is challenging.

Previously when I have run weight loss courses or even talking to someone about their goal, I always would ask "what is going well at the moment?"

Typically I would get short answers, but if I asked "what are your challenges?"

The reply would be a long and extensive list!

When I would take measurements, either results would be staying the same or slightly improving.

This tells me what they were doing right made up at least half of their habits.

But when asked it was a different story.

Which means we tend to focus a lot more on what we feel we can improve rather than what we are already doing that is working.

To fit any kind of exercise routine in each week takes time, so does preparing food and not to mention discipline.

To even be aware of what you are eating, or the fact that you haven't moved for a long time at work and it's time to walk around is a very positive one.

When it comes to food, we all have different attitudes and relationships with food, which can determine how easy it is to adopt certain or new habits.

I am lucky growing up some of the days were healthy food days, some not so healthy.

I think Lifestyle and eating habits wise this has given me a head start and made it easier now.

We all start from a different place and sometimes for different reasons.

Keep these reasons in mind, they will help with motivation.

They will help you decide what you need to do, but make a list of what you are already doing right, it's bigger than you think....

For a healthy weight loss free report and receive content like the above and healthy recipes each week, head to:

Monday, 14 March 2016

If we want to lose weight is that all we can eat?

I last week'a blog post, There was a link to a video I made, a practical demonstration to show how much fuel we can process per meal and how much energy certain foods contain.

Basically showing, if you eat a certain type of food regularly, chances are you will gain weight or if your body can process the energy in the food (with a little to spare) over time you will lose and get leaner.

On the demonstration it was pointed out the only food I used to illustrate the point of being low energy was Spinach.

I wanted to make the point that compared to the others you could consume a very large portion and even that would be low energy.

See I thought I was illustrating a point but people have been asking "So is Spinach all we can eat?" So basically only Popeye is happy :).

So for my new website I have been making lots more videos.

Some of the meals can be processed, some not so much.

The videos are also on You Tube, search for Ed Stride.

But I didn't want to go for the obvious...

For example a sweet and sour chicken ready meal, with rice. 

Sticky sauce and rice, I thought it would be quite high energy, remember I was using sugar to illustrate what the body was breaking the energy into...

I don't think had a container big enough to put the equivalent amount of energy in! 

About three times the amount that could be processed per meal. 

Juice and baked beans were others that were high.

On the low energy list was a big handful of strawberries, a handful of mixed nuts, a table spoon of peanut butter and a quarter of a pot of Humous.

I'm sure there will be loads of others as I've just began to compile the list.

But if your nutrition plan consists mostly of foods your body can process, then it will be more about losing fat than storing fat.

Don't forget all the recipes fit into the moderate energy category.

More where they came from...

So if you just need it simplified so you can take action, no excuses!

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